Lottery Over: Invoices sent. Thank You!

While the going out there gets beyond weird and worrisome, we might as well get some artwork out to you fine people. There are new prints, puzzles, shirts and stickers in production, but in the meantime we can get some art in transit with this Strange Summer Purchasing Lottery.

There is a wide variety of items being made available in this purchasing lottery. First are four original drawings that were recently created live on our new Twitch Channel (our channel name is changed to “SpustaStudio” by the way). The videos are still available for viewing, so you can witness each of these characters being conjured to life. Sign-up for a Twitch account and notifications for when Marq goes live.

Along with the original drawings, we’ve pulled a few goodies from our flat files, some real gems from the vaults, put together some Drank mini packs and even some Tubes of Disappointment.

Please follow the instructions below if you’re interested in the possibly of being randomly selected to receive an invoice for one of these items shown below.

β€’ To enter this purchasing selection lottery, just comment on this post with which ONE Item/Package you want to try for. You can only pick one, so don’t say “all of them” or “this or that”. Only comment once please, and use an email you can pay an invoice through. Each Item is pictured with a number, details and a price below it. Please note the prices will have $10-$18 added in shipping domestically, California sales tax and international shipping charges will apply. (We can also save a step if you let us know in your comment, if you are shipping internationally or are in California.) Invoices will start going out Thursday – and this post will be updated when most invoices have gone out.

Item #1 : Video Series Drawing
Colored Pencil drawing, on 7″ x 7″ green with specks paper stock
Item # 2 : Video Series Drawing
Colored Pencil drawing, on 7″ x 7″ black paper stock with linen texture
Item # 3 : Video Series Drawing
Colored Pencil drawing, on 7″ x 7″ metallic paper stock
Item # 4 : Video Series Drawing
Colored Pencil drawing, on 7″ x 7″ metallic plum stock
Item # 5 : Cosmic Blue Foil Creature Caravan Variant (2 available!)
28″ x 12″ screen print. Variant Edition of only 10 in existence, this paper has been discontinued for years. These prints are in pretty sharp condition and have been buried all these years. (Handle the Cosmic Foil without hands…the foil coating easily absorbs grease from our digits.)
Item # 6 : Brothers Blue Sky Variant
18″ x 24″ screen print poster. Variant Edition of 10 on metallic blue stock.
Item # 7 : Drift Out Onyx Variant
14″ x 18″ screen print. Variant Edition of 15 on onyx metallic stock.
Item # 8 : Marjory’s Harmonious Vision – Rock Variant
16″ x 22″ screen print. Variant Edition of 30 on metallic stone linen stock.
Item #9 : Pepperland Foil variant
36″ x 24″ screen print. Variant Edition of 30 on rainbow mirror foil stock.
Not Mint! – this copy has some edge damage on the center top, a crease about 5mm in. Easily frames out.
Item #10 : Spinning Our Soul Black Variant
14″ x 12″ screen print. Variant edition of 8 on black rubber paper.
Item # 11 : Listening – Embellished Purple Variant
12″ x 12″ screen print. This is #1 of 18 purple variants in existence. The print is heavily embellished with colored pencils and is being used in the creation of a puzzle and accompanying merchandise.
(the corner embellishments were done to cover some smudges…)
Item # 12 : Creature Caravan – Squash Variant
28″ x 12″ screen print. Variant edition of 38 on speckled squash paper stock.
Item # 13 : Fat Tubes of Disappointment (4 Available)
These tubes are packed full of a bunch of paper we had laying around. Many of these posters and prints are a bit scratched, bent and bruised and they just need a new home with someone who can overlook their flaws. These might be good starter packs for a new collector looking to have a sudden bounty of art.
Each Tube Contains: 2 screen printed posters, 2 litho posters, 3 screen prints without text, 3 mini screen prints and 4 random magnets. Many items will be damaged in some way…some will be minty. No items currently available in our shop will be included.
Item # 14 : Drank Themed Mini Print Packs (40+ Available)
Drank is a 7″ x 7″ mini screen print that comes in a variety of colors and papers. These packs will include one random Drank print (a few are uniquely embellished) and two other random signed mini prints (5″ x 7″s and/or 7″ x 7″s).

974 thoughts on “Strange Summer Purchasing Lottery

  1. MATT

    Item # 12 : Creature Caravan – Squash Variant
    Long time ISO & the image that brought me to Spustaland!!

  2. Peter Volckens

    Item # 2 : Video Series Drawing
    Colored Pencil drawing, on 7β€³ x 7β€³ black paper stock with linen texture

  3. Todd Stotts

    #14 please…….it’s the only one I can sort of afford. Thanks for the chance. Some beautiful stuff here!

    1. Justin

      Item # 2 : Video Series Drawing
      Colored Pencil drawing, on 7β€³ x 7β€³ black paper stock with linen texture
      Thank you πŸ™

      1. Jessica F

        Woah, awesome choices! I’d love Item #11 for my daughter – she’s only 9 but already has an enviable poster collection!

  4. Chris Torgerson

    🀠 Howdy Marq and Gnomes! I would love a shot at #14 Drank pack. Please. Thank you!!!!! πŸ„πŸ„πŸ„

  5. Jim Marofske

    I’d love to have a drank with you! Thanks Marq and gnomes, how about Pack #14 for me!!

    Thanks for what you do, it brings much joy!



  6. Matt schreiber

    #14. Drank packπŸ€™πŸΌ

    Thanks Marq and Gnomes for the opportunity πŸ€—πŸ€—

  7. Rachel

    Item # 14 : Drank Themed Mini Print Packs (40+ Available)
    Drank is a 7β€³ x 7β€³ mini screen print that comes in a variety of colors and papers. These packs will include one random Drank print (a few are uniquely embellished) and two other random signed mini prints (5β€³ x 7β€³s and/or 7β€³ x 7β€³s).

  8. richard s curtis

    package number 14 please and thank you. So much to choose from. thank you for the chance!!!!

  9. Greg Ehle

    #7 please! I would love to hang that on our wall. We just finished looking at jelly fish in Puget Sound!

  10. Brian Shaw

    Item 13 Squash caravan. This has been my #1 ISO for years, I can’t believe you still have one!!

  11. Michael Potempa

    Item #14 please and thank you!
    Thanks for the opportunity!
    I’ve been needing a Drank during these sweltering summer daze.

  12. Steve Bickham

    #6 Please. My last show before the pandemic and first ABB show with my daughter. Would be a great way to celebrate a landmark event for my daughter Page and I, while also being reminded of good things to hope for in the future. Thank You!

  13. Austin Cunningham

    Item #2 — The family Spusta wall would love to add an original to the “gallery!” Thanks gnomies!

  14. Steve DeKoker

    #13 please to keep up the theme of disappointment that is this year! thanks for the the opportunity and amazing artwork!

  15. Max Lawrie

    I would be stoked on a #14 and a large mountain dew! Haha jk hold the dew, thanks for the opportunity.

  16. Michael Martin

    #14 Please and Thank You Marq and Gnome11!!! Hoping to get lucky, still need a drank for the collection.
    Peace, Love, & Happiness!!!

  17. Jesus

    Item # 13 : Fat Tubes of Disappointment
    Hello/ Marq and friends, and thank you for a lucky chance.

  18. Dave Schwartz

    #2 Please! I have 2 kids and this would be incredibly awesome to have in our home. Thanks for the opportunity!!

  19. Felix Nau

    We would like to request item #14, thank y’all so much for the lottery and the chance

    Be well
    The Naus

  20. Holly Kissell

    Item # 3 : Video Series Drawing
    Colored Pencil drawing, on 7β€³ x 7β€³ metallic paper stock
    Please and thank you.

  21. Dylan

    β€œCan you sting me, right to my rotten bones!?” with the #4 Jellyfish please! 🀘🏾🎢😎

  22. Stewart Eiss

    Item # 5 please !!! Cosmic Blue Creature cararvan !!!
    Big ISO !! When I hear cosmic blue i think of Janis Joplins Song Kozmic Blue !! Although they’re not related I love this print and that song !!! Thanks for the chance !!

  23. Travis Hopper

    # 5 Please

    Holy moly! Such difficulty choosing but can’t pass on an opportunity for the blue cosmic Caravan! Sweet! Thanks Marc! Hope all is well

  24. Hieu Trab

    item #14 please
    This is a beautiful art work. I would like to put it together with your drawing from last year for me! Thanks so much!

  25. Haney Jones

    All of this stuff is fantastic! But I have to go with #5 – I have always wanted that image on cosmic foil

    Thanks for the chance!

  26. Hieu Tran

    item #14 please
    This is a beautiful art work. I would like to put it together with your drawing from last year for me! Thanks so much!

  27. Mitchell Seyfer

    Item number 3. It speaks to me. Reminds me of a breakup I went through many years ago. I sat with my crystal necklace amidst a complex mushroom experience, when two pretty birds landed by my side and made me feel better.
    This would be awesome to own, Marq!

  28. Nicole Nuzzo

    Amazing as usual! I would be honored to have any of them on my wall. But #3 is my favorite. Thank you and stay well!

  29. John C

    Would like to try my luck on #4 on metallic plum stock,
    it was a tough choice to pass on the Spusta Family combo print with all those β€œpprrettty pinks and wrainnboow tail!” Loved that video so much Marq!

    Thanks for the chance at all these amazing pieces!

  30. Leon Bennett

    #3 Just incredible! Would be my first all hand drawn image! Hope all is well in the bay, I miss it still. I am in Nevadian now πŸ™‚

  31. Amanda Curtis

    #5! Would be a dream come true!! I never thought i’d even have an opportunity to possibly get one. Would immediately frame and hang in the kids play room. Both fingers crossed for this one, Thank You Marq & Gnomes!!!

  32. Anna C.

    #4 Video Series Drawing ( Unda Da Sea ) Thank you so much for doing this Marq! The opportunity is greatly appreciated!!! Best of luck to everyone!

  33. Gerald Douglas

    Grail Alert πŸ“’ 🚨, Would love a shot at that Cosmic Blue CC. You guys really hit the archives hard for this drop. πŸ’ͺ 🧨🎯

    #5 for me please and California local dreamin here.
    Thanks for the chance!!!

  34. Rebecca Janiel

    It’s 5 o’clock somewhere and I need a “Drink” so put me down for a chance at #14 please and thanks.
