The Hump Day Variant Purchasing Lottery has a nice batch of rare prints, and a few that have never been seen before.

Lottery is Over – Customers have been selected. Thanks for entering everyone! If any invoices go unpaid, we’ll pick another customer from the comments.

389 thoughts on “Hump Day Variant Purchasing Lottery

  1. ZU

    1. WP Summer ’10 (Purps of 12) = $140

    2. Blissed Out Bug (Electric Lime of 10) = $90

    Thank You for this opportunity Marq!

  2. CP

    So many great pieces…which to choose, which to choose.

    1)WP Wood (Birch of 4)=$200 real wood grain poster paper

    2)WP Wood (Old Gold of 15)=$150

    You could make me a happy man, thanks for the chance!!!

  3. Jesse Austin

    WP Gold would be my first pick
    WP Blue Would be my second

    Great way to handle this
    Good luck everyone

  4. Jen Atchley

    Hi Marq! I am interested int the Spring Swing gold variant print(s). Thank you for your sharing your art!

  5. Modiggiddy

    WP Chicago(Gold of 15)=$160
    WP Summer ’10(Purple of 13)=$150

    Love your work!!
    Thanks again

  6. chris

    1) WP Wood(Birch of 4)=$200 real wood grain poster paper
    2) WP Wood(Old Gold of 15)=$150

  7. Dustin

    Spring Swing(Gold #1 of 2)=$220 #1 Gold foil variant
    WSP Summer Tour 2010 Edition of 12 $140.00

    Thank you Marq again for all your hard work. I love your art!!!!

  8. Christopher

    I would love to have on my wall the

    Primus(Silver of 20)=$150 or the WP Wood(Birch of 4)=$200 real wood grain poster paper

  9. F. Smith

    WSP Chicago – Gold
    WSP Wood – Old Gold

    Need some more art for my Spusta wall. Thanks, Marq!

  10. D. Moore

    I like to have them all but here are my first two choices. Thanks Marq for the chance.

    1)WP Wood (Birch of 4)=$200 real wood grain poster paper

    2)WP Wood (Old Gold of 15)=$150

  11. [email protected]

    For the 2 lotteries…
    for wood

    for others
    1. bliss lime
    2 swing

    thanks and would love anything!!

  12. Judy

    1. Spring Swing(Gold #1 of 2)=$220
    2. WP Wood (Birch of 4)=$200 real wood grain poster paper

    Thanks again Marq.

  13. Jason

    1st Choice: WP ( Gold of 15 ) = $160 (Chicago)
    2nd Choice: WP (Old Gold of 15) = $150


  14. JD Steward

    Good morning Marq! I’d love these:

    Hump Day Variant Lotto
    1) Spring Swing
    2) WSP Summer 2010 Purple

    Widespread Panic Wood Tour Lotto
    1) Birch Variant
    2) Blue Variant

    Thank you sir. Have a great day.


  15. Ryan

    All the prints look great! Really like the Denver Wood Print!

    WP Wood (Blue of 15)
    WP Wood (Birch of 4)


  16. Debby

    Hump Day Variant Lotto
    1) WP(Gold of 15)=$160
    2) WP Summer ’10(Purple of 13)=$150

    Widespread Panic Wood Tour Lotto
    1) WP Wood(Birch of 4)=$200 real wood grain poster paper
    2) WP Wood(Old Gold of 15)=$150

    Thanks again

  17. emily

    wp wood (birch of 4)= $200
    wp summer ’10 (purple of 13)= $150

    thank you for the opportunity to own these!

  18. Shannon Kiss

    Hi Marq! …..Another beautiful collection. So hard to choose.

    There are so many I want to go for, but I’m putting all my cards in for Spring Swing. She. Is. Magic!!!

    1. Spring Swing 1
    2. Spring Swing 2

    I’m assuming since there are 2 photos, this is how we should do it for her. However, if she counts as 1 entry, I’ll put High Sierra down as my 2nd.

    Thank you so much for doing this!

  19. Charles S

    Here’s hoping luck is with me!

    WP Wood (Birch of 4)=$200 real wood grain poster paper

  20. Dukerboy

    Wood tour lotto
    WP wood BLue
    WP wood Birch

    Varient lotto
    Chicago Gold
    Summer 10 purple

    Thanks for all of the great art.

    1. dukerboy

      not sure if this matters….i would like to make sure of my pick for the variant lotto…..WP summer purple of 12…always a fan…..roll them bones boys!!!

  21. Rick Caldarella

    First choice is
    Primus Silver
    Second choice is
    Spring Fling #2/2

    Thanks Marq!

  22. D. Moore

    WSP Purchasing Lottery

    1) WP Wood(Birch of 4)=$200 real wood grain poster paper
    2) WP Wood(Old Gold of 15)=$150

  23. Michelle

    Wood Tour Lottery

    1) WP Wood(Birch of 4)=$200 real wood grain poster paper
    2) WP Wood(Old Gold of 15)=$150

  24. Michael

    This is for the WSP Lottery only Marq. Thanks
    WSP Wood(Birch of 4)=$200
    WSP Wood(Old Gold of 15)=$150

  25. coolriver

    Spring Swing Gold Variant $220 for my daughter’s room

    WP Summer ’10 Purple $140 for mine.

    Thanks Marq!

  26. Arleen

    Lotto…spring swing gold and pup panic summer, and for wood tour panic I would looooooove the WP Gold Wood or a Wp Birch….Any of these would look fabulous in my Spusta collection…A gold of both would look marvelous next to this one I have of yours framed up nice!

  27. Judy

    Widespread Panic Lottery Second Chance
    WP Wood(Birch of 4)=$200
    WP Wood(Old Gold of 15)=$150

  28. gdicknt

    omg love that spring swing do each of them count as one?? if so

    2/2 gold spring swing
    1/2 gold spring swing as 2nd choice

    purple summer wsp as 2nd choice if swing goes together been dreaming of finding that swing for a long time now…. come to papa!!!!

  29. Travis Hopper

    WSP (Old Gold) Wood Tour ’12 Edition of 15
    WSP (Purple) Summer ’10 Edition of 12

    Thank you Marq!

  30. brent rowley

    1. Spring Swing(Gold #1 of 2)=$220 #1 Gold foil variant of the Spring Swing art print.

  31. Curtis

    For the Hump Day Variant Lotto
    1) MMW- Gold
    2) Primus – Silver

    Thanks for the chance!

  32. soam24

    Wood Lotto:

    WP Wood(Old Gold of 15)=$150
    WP Wood(Blue of 15)=$150

    Hump Day:

    WP Summer ’10(Purple of 13)=$150
    WP Summer ’10(Purple of 12)=$140

  33. kushmeja

    Thanks Marq!

    #1 – Primus(Silver of 20)=$150
    #2 – Blissed Out Bug (Electric Lime of 10) = $90

    I’d kill for either of them, or any of the Panic Wood prints for that matter 🙂

    I’m a Spusta variant junkie!

  34. ang

    1-WP Wood(Old Gold of 15)=$150
    2-WP Wood(Blue of 15)=$150

    “Ribs and whiskey make my mind feel tight”

  35. Carter

    For variant lotto entry

    Spring Swing(Gold #1 of 2)=$220 #2 – would look perfect in Lilas nursery


    WP Wood(Birch of 4)=$200

  36. Ghettoblaster

    Gold Spring Swing
    WSP Wood Tour on birch Paper

    Great stuff thankx for offering them up

  37. Matt

    1.) WP Wood(Blue of 15)=$150

    2.) WP Wood(Old Gold of 15)=$150

    Thank you for the opportunity.

  38. Haney Jones

    First, thanks for doing this!

    I’d love the WP 2010 Summer Purple

    If that doesn’t work out, my second choice would be the WP Wood Blue Print

    Thanks for the opportunity!

  39. Brad

    Wow! Would die to get either:

    1) WSP Wood Tour Denver Blue Variant

    2) WSP Wood Tour Denver Gold Variant


  40. Alan S

    Spring Swing(Gold #1 of 2)=$220 #2 Gold foil variant of the Spring Swing art print. Each print has unique embellishments from the artist. My wife and daughter would flip over this one!

    WP Wood(Birch of 4)=$200 real wood grain poster paper

    Thanks again for doing this Marq!!

  41. Scottmac

    #1 WP Summer 10 Purp of 13 = $150
    #2 WP Fall 10 Purp of 12 = $140

    Rollin’ the dice… Thanks Marq!!

  42. dylan

    Hi Marq
    I would love a chance to buy one of your SPRING SWING GOLDS or the BLUE WSP WOOD TOUR poster….thanks!

    keep making your great art!

  43. pete

    Spring Swing please. (This and branch with birds are my two favorites of yours that I unfortunately do not own)

  44. Rockbridge


    Count me in for a Spring Swing Gold or Widespread Wood Blue Variant

    Thanks for the shot!

  45. Daniel

    Me: Today is my birthday and my dad says I can have anything I want.
    Marq: Good for you and your father
    Me: So guess what I want
    Marq: a new brain
    Me: No, I want WSP Wood Denver Birch Edition

  46. BEWARE


    beware of D. MOORE and CHARITY – they buy art only to flip and profit. Keep it in the hands of those who will frame and appreciate it please

  47. Todd

    Thanks for the lotto, Marq…. I hope I have the ‘sconsin luck on my side!

    1)WP WOOD(birch of 4)

    2)Primus(Silver of 20)=$150

  48. Barry H.

    1) WP Summer 10 Purp of 13 = $140

    2) WP Fall 10 Purp of 12 = $150

    Looking forward to the results. Hope I’m in the winners circle.

  49. Patrick

    I would love:

    1) WP Wood (old gold of 15) – $150
    2) Blissed Out Bug (electric lime of 10) – $90

    Thanks Marq!

  50. Hunter Harrison

    The Spring Swing(Gold #1 of 2…$220)will certainly make my niece’s heart sing. I can’t wait to see it hanging in her bedroom!!!

    WP Wood(Blue of 15…$150)will look amazing in my BLUE ROOM(it has walls covered in 4 different hues of blues). I LOVE BLUE, no other color will do when you allow me to select BLUE!!!

  51. [email protected]

    Thanks so much for everything you do for all of us. I am keeping my fingers crossed for the WP Summer. One of the only ones I dont have.

    WP Wood Blue ’12
    WP Summer ’10 Purple

  52. Suzanne holland

    Blissed Out Bug (Electric Lime of 10) = $90
    WP summer ’10 (purple of 13)= $150



  53. Becky Mathews

    1 – WP Wood(Birch of 4)=$200 real wood grain poster paper

    2 – WP Wood(Blue of 15)=$150

    Thank you!

    Becky M.

  54. Chris Merritt

    Marq, Thank you so much for the opportunity. I am interested in:

    WSP Wood Tour Gold
    WSP Wood Tour Blue

  55. Leslie

    1. Spring Swing (gold #1 of 2) = $220
    2. WSP Wood (Birch) = $200

    Thank you for your beautiful work!

  56. Josh

    1) Spring Swing(Gold #1 of 2)=$220

    2) HSMF (Brown of 13)=$120

    Thanks for the opportunity!

  57. shannon kiss

    Me again… 🙂

    This is my entry for the Wood Lottery:

    1. Wood Birch
    2. Wood Blue

    Already gave you my Hump Day prayer. 🙂

    Thank you! You’re extraordinary!

    1. marq Post author

      -OK, there seems to be some confusion. The WP Wood AE lotto is just for the AE, not the Wood variants. The Wood AE Lotto has nothing to do with this post. Go back to the home/news page and look below this post, there’s a post for the WP Wood AE Lotto.

  58. Richard

    Awesome prints up for grabs i hope i get one thanks for the opportunity Marq.

    1. WP Gold Denver

    2. WP Summer 2010 Purple

  59. kelby

    man… I never win these… but thanks again for the opportunity!!!
    first choice is …WP Wood ( Birch )
    second choice is WP Wood (old Gold)

    in reality I would buy any of the prints offered in this lotto…… great work again Marq!!!!!

  60. mike

    I would love Spring Swing Gold or Blissed Out Bug Electric Lime.
    thanks for your amazing art!

  61. Tater

    HUZZAH!! for Hump Day and Marq’s sweet print lottery…

    Either or both of these would look spectacular on my walls….

    1. WP Wood (Birch of 4) = $200
    2. Spring Swing (Gold #1 of 2) = $220

    really intrigued by that wood grain paper.

    Thanks, Marq…. Rock On!!!

  62. Ben

    Continuously blown away by your work Marq, can’t wait to show you some pics of my wall o’Spusta…hoping to add to the collection today!

    1)HSMF (brown of 13) = $120

    2)WP (gold of 15) = $160

    thanks again Marq!

  63. Bryan

    Purple Panic Summer would be my hope.

    Thanks so much Marq for offering these gems up like you do!



    ok here goes. tough choices but I narrowed to two as per request……..1st Girl on Swing and Blue WSP ….I need a roof rack..thank you.

  65. Robbi

    Hopin lady luck is on my side! would love either of these

    WP Wood(Birch of 4)=$200
    WP(Gold of 15)=$160

  66. Greg Allard

    1)Spring Swing – Gold
    2)Blissed Out Bug – Lime

    Thanks Marq! Been trying to get my hands on a Spring Swing for a while now. The Gold Variant would be amazing!

  67. Mark Chouinard

    Spring Swing(Gold #1 of 2)=$220 #1 Gold foil variant of the Spring Swing art print.

    Spring Swing(Gold #1 of 2)=$220 #1 Gold foil variant of the Spring Swing art print.

    Fingers crossed…

  68. Tony R

    #1 – WP Wood (Birch of 4) = $200
    #2 – WP (Gold of 15) = $160

    Thanks for your time putting this together!

  69. dut

    Sending the vibes!
    1st choice – WP Wood Birch
    2nd choice – WP Wood Old Gold

    They are all so so nice! I also full on love the “in the sun” Nirvana print! Your a great artist Marq!

  70. Charles

    1)WP Wood (Birch of 4)=$200 real wood grain poster paper

    2)WP Wood (Old Gold of 15)=$150

    Any really. It was my b-day so would love this on my wall all around

  71. Ryan D

    1. WP Wood (Birch of 4) = $200
    2. WP Wood (Blue of 15)= $150

    Love your work! Thanks for opportunity.

  72. Ryan

    WP Wood(Birch of 4)=$200 real wood grain poster paper

    “I like to keep my feet warm, but the fire keeps going out.”

  73. Sarah McCombs

    Choice one: Fillmore Wood tour Blue variant

    Choice two: Fillmore Wood tour Gold variant

    Fingers are crossed!!

  74. brian

    hi marq. you’re splendid. thanks

    Wood tour lotto
    WP wood BLue
    WP wood Birch

    Varient lotto
    Chicago Gold
    Summer 10 purple

  75. Steve

    1. WP Chicago Gold
    -made the trip to Chicago for this show and I think the gold paper represents the whole theme of the venue/print beautifully! Would be a welcome addition to my wall.

    2. Spring Swing Gold
    – missed every other opportunity to purchase this, so throwing my name in the virtual hat. Fantastic!


  76. WanderingWonderer

    Every piece is a delight in it’s own right. Just…..can’t… decide between them all – absolute sensory overload! Silver Spring Birch Swing, Purple Fling Bliss Thing for meee pleeease! 8)

  77. Mike T

    Blissed Out Bug (Electric Lime of 10) $90

    By far one of my fav prints along with the Bliss Bug #15/15 Grey Edition that you personalized for me that’s currently up in my cubicle at work and complimented on by many. Not really a fan of WSP or other artists so I will leave those prints for others desiring them. Preciate the opp’ty as always in these lotteries!! Will go to framer and enter frame-up contest if selected…yummy electric lime 🙂

  78. Robert

    Wood Tour Blue or Wood Tour Birch would look amazing in the living quarters. gonna miss no panic and no spusta panic posters this whole year. Cheers

  79. David


  80. Matt A

    Love the raffles Marq! Words don’t do justice to how much I would like to like to win the chance to buy one of these:
    Spring Swing Gold
    Blissed Out Bug Lime

  81. Hailee

    -WP Wood(Old Gold of 15)=$150
    -WP Wood(Birch of 4)=$200 real wood grain poster paper

    Thanks for the chance to win one of these awesome posters, Marq!

    -Hailee Rae

  82. Christina

    These are for the Wood Lottery Marq.

    1)WP Wood (Birch of 4)=$200 real wood grain poster paper

    2)WP Wood (Old Gold of 15)=$150

    And these are my two choices for the Regular lottery.

    Spring Swing Gold
    Summer 10 purple

    Thank you so much for this opportunity Marq. I love your work!!!!

  83. Erik

    These are for the Wood Lottery Marq.

    1)WP Wood (Birch of 4)=$200 real wood grain poster paper

    2)WP Wood (Old Gold of 15)=$150

  84. Trav

    1. Spring Swing Gold Foil (WOW!)
    2. In The Sun Red

    Thanks for the opportunity, you’re the man!

  85. Kelly

    Spring Swing 1
    Spring Swing 2

    got the perfect place on my wall for one of these.
    please o please o please pick me 🙂

  86. Adam Stephens

    Thanks for the opportunity to buy these rare prints!!

    HMSF Brown
    Spring Swing Gold 1

    Keep up the good work.
    Look at all the comments,
    you’re killin it!

  87. SPUSTAddict....

    Awesome lotto…THANKS!! Keep up the great work.

    WP Gold … first pick
    WP Blue … second pick

  88. John

    Hi Marq, here’s my choice for the hump day lottery:

    WP Wood (Birch of 4)=$200 real wood grain poster paper

  89. Neil Lorentzen

    Blissed Out Bug (Electric Lime of 10)=$90

    Spring Swing(Gold #1 of 2)=$220


  90. SpringSWING and some bugs...PLEASE!

    Spring Swing Gold…

    I’d love to frame this. Been bothering you about purchasing one of these art prints for a few years now. The gold looks gorgeous. Please let me swing with the bugs! Keep up the awesome work.

    Spusta + Art prints = happy man.

  91. Josh

    If the Spring Swings each count as one, those are my two picks.

    If the Spring Swings only count as one pick, I’d also be interested in the WSP Wood Gold.


  92. James Houck

    1. WP Summer ’10 (Purple of 13)
    2. WP Fall’10 (Purple of 12)

    Thanks for the opportunity.

  93. Bill

    1st choice: Spring Swing #1
    2nd choice: Spring Swing #2

    Such a gorgeous print, thanks for the opportunity.

  94. Pingback: Hump Day Variant Purchasing Lottery by Marq Spusta | 411posters

  95. brian band

    Spring swing gold #1
    Spring swing gold #2

    Much thanks- will do an AMAZING frame job on this!

  96. Shel Silverstein

    Spring Swing…please…

    The sing swang
    The ropes snapped
    The seat sailed
    And she flew
    Her heart sang
    Her shirt flapped
    Her coat tailed
    Her hair blew
    The bells rang
    The crowd clapped
    Her mom wailed
    And wept too
    The crash-bang
    Into her lap
    By airmail
    Came Mari-Lou

  97. Corey

    Man with all those beautys it’s hard to pick only 2!!
    I’d loooove that #2 gold Spring Swing!! :drool:
    2nd choice would be hsmf brown edition!

    Great options and love the art like always Marq!


  98. Michael Lombardi

    1) WP Wood(Blue of 15)=$150
    2) Blissed Out Bug(Electric Lime of 10)=$90

    Thanks Marq!!

  99. Chris Anderson

    Amazing Prints!!

    I would love to buy either
    Spring Swing (gold #1 of 2) = $220
    Primus (Silver of 20) = $150

    Crossing my fingers I get a chance!

  100. Gavin Yates

    Wowzer, saw some great stuff I hadn’t seen before today. Would love a chance to buy one of the Gold Swings 🙂

    Spring Swing Gold 1

    Spring Swing Gold 2

    For my choices please.
    Thanks Marq !

  101. John C

    Do my eyes deceive me!?! I would assume not as many others have seen the same. My choices is like many others and best of luck to all.

    My Hump Day Variant Choice/s would be:

    Either of your Spring Swing Gold Variants for $220 would be greatly appreciated!!!

    Thanks as always for the opportunity, and best of luck to all!! No other words as i can only wish myself some luck too!

  102. TIm V.

    Spring Swing Gold or Bust … 😉

    1. Spring Swing(Gold #1 of 2)=$220
    2. Spring Swing(Gold #2 of 2)=$220

    Thanks Marq!

  103. Frank

    Decemberists – Red

    Widespread Panic – blue or birch

    Taa Mate

    Australia needs more of your art

    Frank Villante

  104. Matt Manning

    This is one of the coolest ideas I’ve seen yet.
    I’m with the rest of the fans, WP WOOD 1st & 2nd. I enjoyed the shows, & I would like to have another one of your pieces in my home. Thanks

  105. Jon

    Thanks for the opportunity. Fingers crossed for my hometown Chicago print.

    Choice #1) WP Chicago Gold – $160
    Choice #2) Spring Swing Gold (1 or 2)- $220

    Please keep up the great work!

  106. Andrew Mcilwraith

    Spring Swing – gold variant #1

    In the Sun – Red – #2

    And I’m in the United Kingdom. Thanks for the chance!

  107. Andrew


    I love that WP chicago gold variant ($160). Please place my name in the hat for that one!

    Love the work, and thanks for the opportunity!



  108. Lindsie

    1st pick WP Wood – Birch
    2nd pick WP Wood – Old Gold

    Thanks for doing this lotto!

  109. Benjamin

    1. Spring Swing (Gold #1 of 2) $220
    2. Spring Swing (Gold #2 of 2) $220

    Thanks for doing this Marq!

  110. Jackie


    #1: Spring Swing Gold (1 of 2) $220
    #2: Spring Swing Gold (2 of 2) $220


  111. Mario D

    1st Choice – WP Wood – Birch
    2nd Choice – WP Wood – Old Gold

    Great stuff Marq!

  112. Martha Landwehr

    Marq! Here are my choices…

    #1: Blissed Out Bug(Electric Lime of 10) = $90
    #2: WP Wood (Blue of 15) = $150

    Hooray variant lottos!



    this is an AWESOME lottery..

    (1) WP (gold of 15)=$160.00
    (2) WP wood (old gold of 15)=$150.00

    THANKS for the opportunity Marq

  114. RJ

    Marq, thanks for offering these up!! Man, it’s tough to choose just one or two. Being from Colorado, I would have to go with:

    1st choice – WP Wood(Birch of 4)=$200 real wood grain poster paper

    2nd choice – WP Wood(Old Gold of 15)=$150

    Thx again!! Good luck all!!!

  115. Nancy

    Thank you for all of your beautiful work. We love the child-like themes. They are perfect for our nursery and we would love to get a new print to add to the baby’s room.

    Wood tour lottery:
    Gold variant
    Birch variant

    Variant Lottery:
    Gold Chicago
    Purple Summer tour

  116. nikki


    A1) Spring Swing (Gold #1 of 2) =$220 #1 Gold foil variant
    A2) Blissed Out Bug (Electric Lime of 10) = $90

  117. Jessica G

    1st WP Wood Old Gold Please…

    Love the gold, looks really nice…

    2nd WP Wood Birch Please….

    Both are amazing prints, best of luck to everyone….

  118. Dave Carter

    WP Wood Birch Variant
    WP Wood Blue Variant

    Awesome work Marq, lotto is the way to go.
    Feelin’ lucky!!!!

  119. Danny Boy

    1st choice – WP Wood(Birch of 4)=$200 real wood grain poster paper

    2nd choice – WP Wood(Old Gold of 15)=$150

    Best of luck Ya’ll

  120. Colin

    Spring Swing(Gold #1 of 2)=$220 #1
    Spring Swing(Gold #2 of 2)=$220 #1

    They are both absolutely gorgeous!
    Thanks for the chance Marq.

    1. Colin

      Opps…It’s probably obvious but I meant:

      Spring Swing(Gold #1 of 2)=$220 #1
      Spring Swing(Gold #1 of 2)=$220 #2


  121. Joe D

    1st Widespread Panic Wood Birch of 4
    2nd Widespread Panic Wood Gold of 15

    Thanks for the opportunity man

  122. dale

    Hope Im not to late!
    WP Wood birch (1 of 4)
    WP Wood Old Gold (1 of 15)

    Thanx for the 2nd chance

  123. Larry

    1st Widespread Panic Wood Birch of 4
    2nd Widespread Panic Wood Gold of 15

    Thanks for the chance at some nice looking prints

  124. adam budd

    Thanks so much for this opportunity

    WSP wood tour Birch
    Spring Swing (whichever one the bigger one is)

  125. Michael Thorwegen

    Numero Uno would be Widespread Panic Wood Birch of 4—

    Second fiddle would be 2nd Widespread Panic Wood Gold of 15

    Thanks Marq!

  126. Daniel

    Widespread Panic Wood Old Gold of 15
    and or
    Widespread Panic Wood Birch of 4

    Thanks for the chance Marq.

  127. Emily Jones

    First choice: Wood Tour Birch $200
    Second choice: Blissed Out Bug Lime $90


  128. WanderingWonderer

    Such a tough decision… I believe I’d like to have an opportunity to pick up a Spring Swing – as of all these images, I’ve coveted it the longest.

  129. Randy

    Thanks for the opportunity for one of these great prints.

    1. Spring Swing Gold #1

    2. WSP Wood Tour Blue Variant

  130. Jarrett

    Hey Marq,

    (1) WP (gold of 15)= $160.00
    (2) WP wood (old gold of 15)= $150.00


  131. Anna C

    I have been waiting for a miracle like this to happen for soooo long!!! i love the Spring swing prints and have been wanting one for so long and in the gold it’s AMAZING!!!!

    Thank you so much for a chance at one of either of the beautiful Spring Swing prints

    1) Spring Swing Gold #1
    2) Spring Swing Gold #2

    thanks again 🙂

  132. Kelly Fitzsimmons

    The Silver Primus poster is the one I really want the most. I have all the posters from the Primus tour that was curated by Zoltron but this one would be the crowning jewel of the collection. Please Please Please give me the opportunity to get this print. There all beautiful but this is at the top of my want list on expressobeans.

  133. Harpoon

    WP Wood Old Gold of 15
    WP Wood Birch of 4

    So stoked to have a chance for this! You’z guys Rule!!

  134. Cheryl

    WP Wood Old Gold of 15
    WP Wood Birch of 4

    These prints are like the flavor of Creme Brulee caressing my eye sockets…. I must have them!! Thanks for the opportunity to buy, you guys are magnificent!

  135. Dotor fun

    Widespread Panic Old Gold of 15
    Widespread Panic Birch of 4

    Please, please, please….

  136. Lee

    1. WP Summer ’10 (Purps of 12) = $140

    2. Blissed Out Bug (Electric Lime of 10) = $90

    You rock Marq!

  137. Brian McElreath

    1)WP Wood (Birch of 4)=$200 real wood grain poster paper;
    2) WP Chicago (Gold of 15) = $160.

  138. Henry Hardman

    Hey Marq thanks for the great chance at acquiring one of your badass works of art!!
    1st choice…..Spring Swing #1 $220
    2nd choice….Spring Swing #2 $220
    Thanks Marq and good luck everyone!

  139. Pingback: Hump Day Variant Purchasing Lottery By Marq Spusta |

  140. adam olson

    Love the widespread OLd Gold
    My other favorite would be the Birch wood grain Wp

    Sure would tie the room together nice,
    thanx Marq.

  141. Ross

    Definitely need the AE Panic Wood to go on my Spusta wall, I need more wall space. Thanks man

  142. Mike T.

    Bummer…really wanted that B.O.B. like it was Electric Lime ice cream from Coldstone Creamery. Want it. Need it. Gotta Have It!

  143. Electric dave

    that was today? that’s what i get for picking today to space travel…:(
    i was searching the Galaxy for owls , too

  144. Brian

    Thanks for the opportunity to be in the lottery, no luck but hopefully some “good people” got the goods! See ya next round!

  145. marq Post author

    A few of the lotto winners did not follow the rules of one entry per person, so some of the prints have freed themselves up….new winners for the few left over prints will be selected next week. In the meantime we put up an extra WP Wood Birch on ebay with half of the proceeds going to the Nature Conservancy.

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