The Embellished Eye Guy Print Pack Purchasing Lottery.
These Eye Guys are 8″ x 10″ screen prints in a signed and numbered edition of 100. Marq and sometimes other Spusta Gnomes have drawn on them with pens, pencils and paints. We have a stack of 17 prints (14 pictured) that will be made available in this purchasing lottery.

For those interested in purchasing one of these embellished Eye Guy prints, please comment on this post with the number of the ONE Eye Guy you’d like to try for. All 17 numbers available are listed in the photo above. Each Eye Guy print pack will cost $100, and includes 3 random mini prints and shipping in the US. (International customers will be invoiced more for shipping and should identify themselves in their comment)

Be sure to use a valid Paypal account email address when commenting, selected customers will be invoiced directly through Paypal in the following days.

122 thoughts on “Embellished Eye Guy Purchasing Lottery

  1. Lilly Stone

    i would like to pick number #41 but any will do the trick…..thank you for the chance to win… your work…keep it up

  2. Stan , Canada

    “24” My hockey and football No. Also the birth of my twins, would you have two by chance?…Love a mystery print…Thank ya kindly for your time!

  3. Ann Conner

    My number disappeared like magic….so here I go again!
    I would die for 27… 😉 sneaky eye guy stole my number!

  4. Atrain

    Wow, I feel so lucky to be one of the lucky 17! I can’t wait to see it in person. I don’t think I can ever get enough Spusta! Thanks

  5. John K

    #40 please, if I’m not too late!

    I always seem to miss the lottos by a day or two because I’m anti-FB and don’t check often enough


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