Oh my goodness how my kids would love this framed & in their room! I dont know who would love it more me or them!!! PLEEEEEEEEEEEEEZ LET ME GET PICKED!!!!!! I was wondering if I would ever see this on your site! Heck I would take anything from your store actually! Haha
That’s sweet!!! Great work as always sir…
A perfect piece to represent the show. Kudos Marq, just so good!
Bravissimo Signori. I can actually see Gene Wilder’s face. AMAZING WORK MARQ
this is amazing! Great work
oompa loompa doobity dank! choco-tastic brown paper and….. everything!!!
Screw the chocolate…I want a golden ticket! Imagination delivered yet again…beyond my my wilds dreams.
Love the use of color. So vibrant! Nice one for sure. I WANT ONE NOW!!!
These prints for this tour have been amazing.. This print in particular is a absolute stunner. Great Job Marq!
Wow!!! You knocked it out of the park Marq!
Hope you can throw one to the side for me!
Will this Platinum Award Primus poster be available to the lowly losers anytime soon Marq? Tom Petty says that “Even the losers get lucky sometimes”.
Continued Success & Love Your Show
You took something predictable( wilder,wonka) and unpredict it .masterful.
Say, could you sell me an extra one you got laying around? Pretty please!?!? Lol….
Such beautiful work marq.
I love it.
UGHHH! Marq is having a raffle but
idonttrustzuckerberg. perhaps I should open a shill facebook account just to be able to be part of the Spusta madness.
Reg edition please…. Thanks a million Marq
Oh my goodness how my kids would love this framed & in their room! I dont know who would love it more me or them!!! PLEEEEEEEEEEEEEZ LET ME GET PICKED!!!!!! I was wondering if I would ever see this on your site! Heck I would take anything from your store actually! Haha
Oh i would love to have this print sooooo bad
Absolutely amazing! I can haz ¿ đŸ™‚
Stunning detail in person. The gold version looks great! Very proud to be able to own a copy!
Happy New Year to Mr. Spusta, family and the gnomes
anybody here anymore? lol
So happy to see that a lottery is about to pop off. It has been too long since Ive fed my Spusta monster.
Only Spusta……..
That’s the way it’s done!
Primus sucks