13 thoughts on “Conscious Alliance 20th Anniversary Poster

  1. Hightime

    Love it when awesome art crosses paths with a great cause! Conscience Alliance does incredible things for those in need. Hats off to you kind sir! Cheers

  2. Michael Inkrote

    This is a great cause and a great piece. Art that Feeds. <3 Gold went too fast for me but I am excited to see this in person.

  3. Steve H.

    Picked up one from them yesterday, and was happy to kick an extra for some extra meals!
    Thanks for doing this, Marq!

    1. David Sparks

      They are printing 2 versions of this. The gold one is numbered out of 100 and costs more. The other colorway is the timed edition that will be determined by how many are sold.

      1. James

        The Grey/Silver edition was the timed edition… the GOLD variant was out of only 100 total printed so that’s why it said sold out because ALL 100 GOLD variant prints were already ALL sold out by time you got to them… me too!!! I ended up buying my Gold Variant print from the secondary market (ebay) for a really good price. $75… not sure how much they were originally but I was more than happy to pay $75 for it… love Conscious Alliance and ALL they do and I also LOVE FOXES… my favorite creatures for sure!!!

  4. Dave wood

    Iโ€™m still desperately searching for one of these. If anybody has one that they are willing to entertain parting with, please reach out to me. Thank you so much.

  5. Spusta Gnome Post author

    From Conscious Alliance’s 2022 Annual Report:
    As we wrap up the 20th Anniversary of Conscious Alliance, we partnered with world renowned artist, Marq Spusta to release our second commemorative poster. The open edition yielded an amazing 1,150 prints, raising enough funds to distribute 117,724 meals!

    Thanks to Marqโ€™s generosity, a handful of lucky donors also received an extra, surprise poster with their order with a unique color variant that was only available as a bonus.

    Thank you for helping celebrate our 20 years of actions and compassion.”

    1. Joshua

      Thatโ€™s amazing, feeding people through art- what a dream come true. C.A., Marq, the gnomes and this entire community have been so inspiring. ๐Ÿ’™ ๐Ÿฆ‰ ๐ŸŒ€


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