OK Friends, let’s get to it. We have a very limited amount of some rare or long sold out prints available, and they will be offered for sale in the form of this customer lottery. It’s a real grab bag of different prints in this lottery, and we are going to ask interested customers to choose their top two print purchase choices. 64 customers will be randomly selected to receive invoices for one of the two prints they expressed interest in.
Please enter this lottery by commenting with your two choices. Comment only once per interested customer. (Do not use multiple emails/aliases/paid entrants/uninterested relatives & friends as entries)
The Omiwimo variants are debuting in this lottery, the main edition of 170 is on chartreuse paper and will drop in the shop on a future hump day.
Below is the price list and info for what is being offered up in the lottery, which corresponds with the images. These print packages are listed as individual selections, of which interested customers can select two choices. We are not fully disclosing how many of each print is available in this particular lottery and will leave a bit of a guessing game there.The prices listed do not include shipping.
Screen Prints in March Mayhem Customer Lottery
• Silver Smeezys. 10″ x 12″ Silver Variant Edition of 28, these in the lottery have all been embellished. Price: $300
• Black Smeezy. 10″ x 12″ Black Edition of 6. embellished. Price: $420
• Merlot Smeezy. 10″ x 12″ Merlot Edition of 9. embellished. Price: $410
• Gold Fleck Smeezys. 10″ x 12″ Gold Fleck Edition of 16.these in the lottery have all been embellished. Price: $350
• Black Rubber Omiwimos (Blue Variety). 10″ x 10″ Black Edition of 34. Price: $130
• Black Rubber Omiwimos (Pink Variety). 10″ x 10″ Black Edition of 34. Price: $130
• Purple Rubber Omiwimos (Either Variety). 10″ x 10″ Purple Edition of 11. Price: $170
• Green Cosmos Foil Omiwimo (Either Variety). 10″ x 10″ Green Cosmos Edition of 5. Price: $230
• Gold Foil Omiwimo (Either Variety). 10″ x 10″ Gold Edition of 6. Price: $200
• Silver Now in Noplaces. 12″ x 12″ Silver Edition of 25. Price: $250
• Gold Fleck Now in Noplace. 12″ x 12″ Gold fleck Edition of 16. Price: $300
• Merlot Now in Noplace. 12″ x 12″ Merlot Edition of 9. Price: $310
• Swamp Now in Noplace. 12″ x 12″ Swamp Edition of 6. Price: $320
• Creature Caravans (Full Size). 28″ x 12″ Metallic Gray Edition of 150. Price: $380
• Squash Creature Caravan. 28″ x 12″ Squash Edition of 38. Price: $750
• Mini Black Rubber Bliss Bug Packs . 7″ x 7″ bug on black rubber paper from 2013, packaged with two 5″ x 5″s and other micro goodies. Price: $125
• Mini Sky Blue Spring Swings . 7.5″ x 5″ swings from from 2012, packaged with two 5″ x 5″s and other micro goodies. Price: $125
• Chlorophyll Tree & We . 23″ x 23″ color-changing Chlorophyll edition of 24. Price: $800
Alrighty, I think that’s it. Remember, pick two (or one) of the bullet pointed prints above. We hope to have most the invoices out by 4pm pst today.
1. Chlorophyll tree and wee please
2. Gold foil owimiwo
Thank you, thank you, thank you for the chance to win BIG
1. Chlorophyl tree and we
2. Black Smeezy
1.Merlot smeezy
2.Squash creature caravan
I would love to get my hands on the chlorophyll Tree and We or the Mini Sky Blue Spring Swings!! Thanks so much!!
1. Mini Black Rubber Bliss Bug Packs
2. Mini Sky Blue Spring Season Seings
This is a pretty cool thing you do man.
1.Black rubber Omiwimo(blue variety)
2.mini sky blue spring swings
1. Creature Caravan Gray Edition
2.Mini Sky Blue Swings
Thanks !!!
1. Swamp Now in No Place
2. Purple rubber Omiwimo
Thank you
Hello and thank you for this!
1. Mini sky blue spring swing PLEASE!
2. Embellished black smeezy
Thanks again!
1. Silver Smeezys
2. Gold Fleck Smeezys
Please & Thank you for the opportunity!!
1. Silver Smeezys.
2. Gold Fleck Smeezys.
Thank you and happy early Spring!
1) Gold Foil Omiwimo
2) Mini Sky Blue Spring Swings
Thank you 🙂
1. Silver Smeezy
2. Mini Sky Blue Spring Swing pack
Thanks for a chance at one of these, two of my top three favorite Spustas!
Mini sky blue swing mini pack
Black rubber Omiwimo (blue)
1) Chlorophyll Tree & We
2) Creature Caravan metallic gray
Thank you so much!
1. Mini Black Rubber Bliss Bug Packs
2. Mini Sky Blue Spring Swings
Thank you for the chance!
1. Merlot sneeze
2. Green cosmos omi
Thanks for the chance!
1. Black Bliss Bug pack
2. Black Omiwimo, pink
Thank you!
Thanks so much.
1. Black Smeezy
2. Grey Full Size Creature Caravan
1. Green Cosmos Foil Omiwimo
2. Black Rubber Omiwimo (blue variety)
So much fun, thanks!! ?✌❤
1- swing and minis
2- regular caravan
Yall are the best!!!!
1. Chlorophyll Tree and we
2. Squash Creature Caravan
Silver smeezy
Metalic gray creature caravan please.
1) Mini Sky blue spring swing
2) Creature Caravan(main)
Great idea and thanks for the opportunity!!
1. Mini Sky Blue Spring Swings
2. Silver Now in Noplaces
… thanks for the chance & excitement!
Hey Marq 😉
What a Lottery!
1. Chlorophyll Tree and We
2. Silver Smeeezy
Many thanks, sure you know I am an International Addict 🙂
1. Mini Sky Blue Spring Swings
2. Gold Foil Omiwimo
Thanks for the chance!
1. Black Smeezy
Good Luck All Spustaheads!!! Thanks Mr Spusta and the Gnomes!
1. Gold Fleck Smeeeez!!
2. Spring Swing set
No variant IMHs?? There has to be a couple tucked away in the studio somewhere lol 🙂
Thanks Marq and Gnomes!!
1- Black Smeezy
2- Silver Smeezy
Thanks Marq!!!
1. Creature caravan, gray
2. Smeezy, silver
Thank you, thank you, thank you
Chlorophyll Tree and Weeeeeee pleaseeeeee
Second pick sky spring swing
1. Tree and we
2. Bliss bug
Good way to kick off a Wednesday
-Mini Sprinng Swing pack
-Merlot Smeezy
As always, thanks for the chance
1. Silver smeezy
2. Gold fleck smeezy
Thank you gnomes!
1. Black Smeezy
2. Creature Caravan (Full size)
Thanks for the opportunity!
1. Mini Sky Blue Spring Swings
2. Gold fleck Smeezy
Squash Creature Caravan
Silver Smeezy
1.mini black rubber bliss bug
2. Omiwimo black rubber edition
Thanks marq and gnomes! You rock!
1 – Mini Sky Blue Spring Swing
2 – Mini Black Rubber Bliss Bug Pac
Thanks a lot!
1. Mini sky blue spring swing
2. Mini Black Rubber Bliss
Thank you so much!
Black Smeezy
Merlot Smeezy
1. Black Smeezy
2. Merlot Smezzy
Man oh man this is a killer lottery!! Thank you for the chance!!?
1 Mini sky blue swing pack
2 Gold fleck Smeezy
1. Sky blue spring swing
2. Silver smeezy
Thank you!!!!
Black Rubber Omiwimos (Blue Variety)
Black Rubber Omiwimos (Pink Variety)
Great way to start a morning! Here are my two hopefuls.
1. Mini Sky Blue Spring Swings (my spirit animal!!)
2. Chlorophyll Tree & We
Please pretty please with sugar on top. Will not sell on EBay. Will immediately frame and keep forever!!!!!!
1. Mini Black Rubber Bliss Bug Pack
Mini Sky Blue Spring Swings
Black Rubber Omiwimos (Blue Variety)
please and thank you!
Gold Fleck Smeezy
Creature Caravan (full size)
1. Mini Sky Blue Spring Swing (possibly my match)
2. Chlorophyll Tree and We
Thanks a bunch y’all.
1. Gold Foil Omiwimo and
2. Green Cosmos Foil Omiwimo
Thanks for the Opportunity gnomes!
1.Black Rubber Omiwimos (Blue Variety)
2.Mini Sky Blue Spring Swings
Thank you so much for an opportunity!
Silver Smeezy!
Chlorophyll tree and we!
1. Black Smeezy
2. Black Rubber Omiwimos (Blue Variety)
Thank you!
Good luck, friends!
1. Black Smeezy
2. Silver Smeezy (orange suit)?
1) Mini Black Rubber Bliss Bug Packs
2) Black Rubber Omiwimos (Pink Variety)
1.Black Rubber Omiwimos (Pink Variety)
2.Black Rubber Bliss Bug pack
Thank you for the opportunity!!!
1 blue spring swing
2 gold fleck smeezy
This is awesome, thank you!
1) silver Smeezy
2) spring swing mini pack
Thank you!
1) Purple rubber Omiwimo
2) Spring Swing set
Thanks for the chance!
1. Purple Rubber Omiwimos
2. Spring Swing (set)
Thank you!!!! ?
1. Mini Sky Blue Spring Swings
2. Mini Black Rubber Bliss Bug Packs
1)Mini Black Rubber Bliss Bug Packs
2)Mini Sky Blue Spring Swings
Thanks Marq n gnomes!
Gold fleck smeezy
Green cosmo omiwimo
1. Gold Fleck Smeezys. 10″ x 12″ Gold Fleck Edition of 16.these in the lottery have all been embellished. Price: $350
2. Purple Rubber Omiwimos (Either Variety). 10″ x 10″ Purple Edition of 11. Price: $170
Merlot Smeezy and Gold Fleck Smeezy
Wow! What great choices! I think I’ll go with my heart & choose-
1. Black Rubber Omiwimo, Pink Variety
2. Mini Black Rubber Bliss Bug Packs
Thank you for the opportunity! ?
6952 Silverbrook Ct.
Gold Foil Omiwimo
Mini Black Rubber Bliss Bug Packs
No idea what happened here, tried to do it from my mobile this morning. Resubmitting on original thread.
1) mini black rubber bliss big pack
2) black rubber omiwimo (pink variant)
Thank you!
1. Mini black rubber bliss bug pack
2. Mini sky blue spring swings
1) Silver Smeezy
2)mini sky blue spring swing
I need a black rubber swing facing left. Please
I my head would be great too.
Thank you so much
Edit cause I can’t read when excited
1 spring swing
2 black smeezy.
Thanks again Hope this still counts
Silver Smeezys. 10″ x 12″ Silver Variant Edition
Black Rubber Omiwimos (Blue Variety).
Thank You!!!
1.Creature Caravan (Grey Metallic)
2. Mini Sky Blue Spring Swings
1. Mini black rubber bliss bug pack.
2. Mini sky blue swings
Thanks Marq.
Mini Sky Blue Spring Swings
Silver Smeezys. 10″ x 12″ Silver Variant Edition
Silver Smeezys.
Gold Fleck Smeezys.
Silver Smeezys.
Gold Fleck Smeezys.
Silver Smeezys.
Gold Fleck Smeezys.
Silver Smeezys.
Gold Fleck Smeezys.
Silver Smeezy
Mini Black Rubber Bliss Bug Pack
Silver Smeezys.
Gold Fleck Smeezys
1. Merlot Smeezy.
2. Squash Creature Caravan.
Thanks so much for bringing out some big guns for us!!
1. Black Rubber Omiwimos (Blue Variety)
2. Black Rubber Omiwimos (Pink Variety)
1) Purple Rubber Omiwimo
2) Mini Black Rubber Bliss Bug Packs
Thanks for the chance and we love some Spusta!!
1. creature caravan (main edition)
2. Tree and We
Fingers crossed!
1. Mini Black Rubber Bliss Bug Packs
2. Silver Smeezys
Merlot Smeezy
Creature Caravan (Grey)
I’ll only pick one – mini sky blue spring swings pack, please. Thanks for the chance!
1. Mini Black Rubber Bliss Bug Packs
2. Mini Sky Blue Spring Swings
#1Silver Smeezy
#2 Green Cosmos Omiwimos
Thanks For the Chance
1) Creature Caravan, Metallic Gray Edition
2) Mini Black Rubber Bliss Bug Pack
1) Gold Fleck Smeezy
2) Black Smeezy
Gold Fleck Smeezy
Mini Sky Blue Spring Swing
Black Rubber Omiwimos (Blue Variety)
Mini Black Rubber Bliss Bug Packs
What an awesome lotto!!
1) Spring Swing set
2) Purple Rubber Omiwimo
Thank you so much for the opportunity! 🙂
1. Smeezy (Black)
2. Creature Caravan (Metallic Grey)
Cheers!!! And thank you for this opportunity!
1. Gold fleck smeezy
2. Silver smeezy
Thanks for the chance Marq and gnomes
1. Silver Smeezys
2. Mini Black Rubber Bliss Bug Packs
1. Mini Black Rubber Bliss Bug Packs
2. Mini Sky Blue Spring Swings
Mini black rubber bliss bug pack
Gold fleck smeezy
Merlot Smeezy
Squash Caravan
Thanks so much for the chance!
1.)Mini Sky Blue Spring Swings
2.) Mini Black Rubber Bliss Bug Packs
1. Gold Fleck Now in No Place
2. Creature Caravan (Full Size)
1. Purple rubber Omiwimo
2. Mini sky blue spring swing
1 ) silver smeezy
2) merlot smeezy
1) Black Smeezy
2) Black Omiwimo (blue)
Purple Rubber Omiwimos
Black Smeezy
Gold Fleck Smeezy
Omiwimos(either variety)
Love ALL this stuff! So hard to choose. Thank you for the chance at these! Trying to build my mini collection and can’t pass some of this old stuff up…
1)Mini Black Rubber Bliss Bug Packs
2)Mini Sky Blue Spring Swings
Thanks again! Cheers!
Mini Black Rubber Bliss Bug Pack
Creature Caravan Full Size Metallic Gray
Good luck everyone!!
Mini sky blue spring swings
Mini black rubber bliss bug pack
Thank you!
1. Mini Black Bliss Bug Pack
2. Silver Smeezy
1. Mini sky blue spring swings
2. Merlot Smeezy
1. Mini sky blue spring swings
2. Purple rubber omiwimo
1. Black rubber omiwimos blue 10×10 black
2. Silver Smeezy 10×12 Silver
Ty for the opportunity.
1. Creature caravan metallic grey edition
2. Mini black rubber bliss bug pack
Thank you for the opportunity!
1. silver smeezy
2. black Omiwimo
1. Mini swings
2. Bliss bug pack
Thanks for the chance!!
Simply amazeballs !!! 1) Silver Smeezy 2) Chlorophyll Tree And We Thanks for the Madness !
1. Creature Caravan Metallic Full Size
2. Merlot Smeezy
Ty 🙂
1.Creature Caravans (Full Size), Metallic Gray
2. Mini Black Rubber Bliss Bug Packs
1. Full Size Creature Caravan (gray)!!!!
2. Black Rubber Omiwimo (Blue Variety)
1. Mini Sky Blue Swing
2. Silver Smeezy
Thank you really nice Gnomes!
Thank you so much Marq and Gnomes!!
1. Sky Blue Spring Swing
2. Black Rubber Bliss Bug
1. • Mini Black Rubber Bliss Bug Packs
2. • Mini Black Rubber Bliss Bug Packs
I know, I know… I put it twice. I really want a Black Bliss Bug. Thanks so much for the chance!!
1. Mini Sky blue spring swing
2. Mini Black rubber bliss bug
1. Black Smeez
2. Gold Foil Omiwimo
1) Black Rubber Omiwimos (Blue Variety)
2) Silver Now in noplace
Thanks so much
Wow. This is quite the “purchasing lottery of sorts.” Great stuff. I’d love a full size caravan!
1. Creature Caravan (Full Size)
2. Green Cosmos foil Omi.
Thanks for the chance!
SPRING SWING!!! Want so bad!!
Full Size Creature Caravan
1. Chlorophyll Tree and We
2. Merlot Smeezy
1. Omiwimo (any color)
2.Omiwimo (any color)
Thanks!! Happy Hump day!!
1: tree and we chlorophyll
2: Merlot smeeze
1. Silver Now In Noplace
2. Sky Blue Spring Swing
Mini Sky Blue Spring Swing
Black Rubber Omiwimos (Blue Variety)
Thank you!
1. Purple rubber omiwimo
2. Mini swing set
Thanks love!
Thanks so much for a chance at these straight treasures!!
I would love a shot at:
1) Mini Sky Blue Spring Swings
2) Mini Black Rubber Bliss Bug
Thanks again 🙂
Black Rubber Owimiwo
Black Rubber BlissBug Pack
1) Black Rubber Omawumi’s (Blue Variety)
2) Creature Caravans (Full Size)
1. Black Rubber Omiwimo (Pink Variety)
2. Black Rubber Bliss Bug
1.) Mini Black Rubber Bliss Bug Packs
2.) Mini Sky Blue Spring Swings
Thanks for the chance!!
1. Full Size Creature Caravan (gray)
2. Black rubber Omiwimo (blue variety)
Thanks Marq and gnomes!!
1.Mini Sky Blue Spring Swings . 7.5″ x 5″ swings from from 2012, packaged with two 5″ x 5″s and other micro goodies. Price: $125
2.Mini Black Rubber Bliss Bug Packs . 7″ x 7″ bug on black rubber paper from 2013, packaged with two 5″ x 5″s and other micro goodies. Price: $125
Thanks, Gnomes! Have a most excellent day!
Black smeezy
Silver now in noplace
Thanks for the shot!
1. Black Rubber Omiwimos (Blue Variety)
2. Black Rubber Omiwimos (Pink Variety)
Love the Omi!
Thank you Marq and Gnomes!
1) Full Size grey Creature Caravan
2) Black Omiwimo -blue
1. Black Smeezy
2. Silver Smeezy
Thanks for doing this Marq you are awesome!!
1. Silver Smeezy
2. Mini Sky Blue Spring Swing
So awesome Spusta Crew!!
1. Mini Sky Blue Swing
2. Gold Fleck Smeezy
Thank you always!
1. Black Smeezy
2. Black Rubber Omiwimos (Pink Variety).
Thank you Marq/Gnomes! Mind is blown!
Mini black rubber bliss bug packs
Mini sky blue spring swings
1) Squash Creature Caravan
2) Green Cosmos Omiwimo (either variety)
1. Metallic Gray Creature Caravan
2. Black Smeezy
Thanks for the great lotto… And wonderful art 🙂
1. Silver Smeezys
2. Green Cosmos Foil Omiwimo
Good Luck Everyone
Thanks for the opportunity
1. Tree & We chlorophyll edition
2. Omiwimo green cosmos edition.
Not t that it would say you but I have chickens at home and one of them is named Omiwimo(Omi for short)!
1 – Grey Creature Caravan (full size)
2 – Black Rubber Bluss Bug Pack
Thanks !!!
Tree and We (hell gotta try)
Black rubber Smeezy
Thanks Marq and Gnomes!
Merlot smeezy 10″x12″
Purple rubber omiwimo
Black Smeezy
Merlot Smeezy
2151 Village Walk Dr #20102
1) Mini sky blue spring swings
2) Black rubber Omiwimos
Thanks for another opp to finally own your artwork
For the first time!
On my 1) choice I forgot to add Blue Variety!
Dang it!!!! I meant on my 2nd choice blue variety!
Sorry and thanks!
1. Gold Fleck Now In Noplace
2.Purple Rubber Omiwimo (Either Variety)
1.Sky blue swing
2.FS gray caravan
1.Silver Smeezys. 10″ x 12″
2.Gold Fleck Now in Noplace
1. Mini Sky Blue Spring Swing
2. Black Rubber Omiwimo (pink)
1.) Mini Sky Blue Spring Swings
2.) Black Rubber Omiwimos (Pink Variety)
thats for the chance! great work marq
1. Black Smeezy
2. Black Rubber Omiwimos (blue)
Thank you!
1- creature caravan (grey full size)
2- mini sky blue spring swings
Thanks the chance marq and gnomes!
1. Black Smeezy
2. chlorophyll tree and we
Thank you for the chance!
1.Mini sky blue spring swing
2.Silver Smeezys
1. Silver Smeezys
2. Mini Sky Blue Spring Swings and two 5″ x 5″s and other micro goodies!
Thanks very much for the chance!!!
1. Black rubber bliss bug pack
2. Mini sky blue spring swing pack
Thanks so much!
Omiwimo Purp rubber.
Swamp Now in Noplace.
Thanks for your consideration!
1. Black Smeezy
2. Merlot Now In Noplace
Thank you much!!
1 Full size creature caravan squash edition
2 Smeezy silver variant
Thank you:)
1. Silver Smeezy
2. Gold Fleck Smeezy
1. Mini Black Rubber Bliss Bug Pack
2. Gold Fleck Smeezy
Thanks! Have a great day! Cheers!
1. creature caravan metallic gray
2. black rubber omiwimoo – pink
1) metallic gray creature caravan
2) squash caravan
Creature caravan grey
Smeezy gold fleck
Thank you!
1 – Creature Caravan (grey!)
2 – Omiwimo Green Cosmos
Love this lotto, thanks!
1) mini sky blue spring swings
2) black rubber omiwimo (blue variety)
Mini Swings
Bliss bug
1. Mini sky blue spring swing
2. Mini black rubber bliss bug
1. Green foil omiwimoo
2. Full size Creature Caravan
Have a fire wednesday!!!
1. Creature Caravans (Full Size). 28″ x 12″ Metallic Gray Edition of 150
2. Black Smeezy. 10″ x 12″ Black Edition of 6. embellished.
1. Merlot smeezy
2. gold foil omniwimos
Please ☺
1) Creature Caravan (full size) – metallic grey
2) Black Smeezy
1. Chlorophyll Tree and We!!
2. Squash Caravan
Thanks for the Chance!!
1.Gold Fleck Smeezy
2.Black Smeezy
Thanks for the chance!!
• Mini Sky Blue Spring Swings . 7.5″ x 5″ swings from from 2012, packaged with two 5″ x 5″s and other micro goodies. Price: $125
• Silver Smeezys. 10″ x 12″ Silver Variant Edition of 28, these in the lottery have all been embellished. Price: $300
Thank you for the chance!
Why hello there!!! *polite curtsy*
1. Black Smeezy
2. Silver Smeezy
Grassy ass. xo
1. Swamp now in noplace
2. Gold fleck smeezys
1.silver smeezy
2.Gold Fleck Now in Noplace.
1 mini sky blue spring swing
2 mini black rubber bliss bug
1. Chlorophyll Tree & We
2. Gold Foil Omiwimos (Either Variety)
1. Silver Smeezy
2. Chlorophyll Tree & We
1. Chlorophyll Tree & We
2. Full size Creature Caravan
1• Squash Creature Caravan. 28″ x 12″ Squash Edition of 38. Price: $750
2• Chlorophyll Tree & We . 23″ x 23″ color-changing Chlorophyll edition of 24. Price: $800
1) Mini sky blue swing
2) mini black rubber bliss bug
Thanks for the chance.
1)Mini Sky Blue Spring Swing with other swag
2)Silver Ssmeezy
Thanks so much and a great way to get your work to the people who want it and love it!! GREAT IDEA!!!
1. Creature Caravans (Full Size). 28″ x 12″ Metallic Gray Edition of 150. Price: $380
2. Mini Sky Blue Spring Swings . 7.5″ x 5″ swings from from 2012, packaged with two 5″ x 5″s and other micro goodies. Price: $125
1- Mini Sky Blue Spring Swings
2- Black Rubber Omiwimos (Blue Variety)
Amazing work !
1. Merlot Smeezy
2. Gold Foil Omiwimos
Thanks Gnomes!
1. Mini Sky Blue Spring Swings
2. Creature Caravans (Full Size)
Thank you so much!
1. Gold Foil Omiwimo
2. Silver Now in Noplaces.
Much thanks!!!!
@ @
Mini Sky Blue Spring Swing
Metallic Gray Creature Caravan
Thanks for the opportunity!
1. Black Rubber Omiwimo (pink)
2. Black Rubber Omiwimo (blue)
1. Mini sky blue spring swings
2. Mini black rubber bliss bug packs
Thank you!
1) Black Smeezy
2) Black Bliss Bug Pack
Either would beautifully adorn the walls of my home
Thanks for the chance you adorable little gnomes
1. Creature caravan metallic gray
2. Mini blue sky’s spring swings
Thank you so much!
1. Gold Fleck Smeezy
2. Mini Sky Blue Spring Swings
Thanks for the opportunity!!!
1. Grey Creature Caravan
2. Squash Creature Caravan
Go big or go home… Thanks!!
1. Silver Smeezy
2. Mini Black Rubber Bliss Bug Pack
Thank you for the opportunity!
1. Black Smeezy
2. Mini Black Rubber Bliss Bug Packs
1) Gold Fleck Smeezy
2) Creature Caravan – Metallic Gray
Thanks Gnomes!!!!!
1. Silver fs
2. Creature caravan regular edition fs
This was a complete mindbender only picking two of these.
1. Chlorophyll Tree & We
2. Black Smeezy
1) Merlot Now in Noplace.
2) Silver Now in Noplace.
la mayoria gracias
1) Merlot Smeezy
2) Swamp Now in Noplace
1. Silver smeezy
2. Black bliss bug pack
1. Merlot now in noplace.
2. Silver now in noplace.
Thanks gnomes I can sleep easy!! G’night 🙂
1.)Mini sky blue spring swings
2..)Gold Foil: OMIWIMOS
1. Mini Sky Blue Spring Swing
2. Gold Fleck Now in Noplace
1. Black smeezy fs
2. Sky blue spring swing
Man what a lottery! Thanks marq!
1.) Chlorophyll Tree & We
2.) Green Cosmos Foil Omiwimo
Exciting! Thanks for the chance!
1. Gold Fleck Now in Noplace
2. Creature Caravan Full size – Metallic Gray
Thank you for the chance at all these gems!
Purple rubber omiwimo
Silver smeezy
Thank you so much for the opportunity!
1) purple rubber omiwimo
2) mini sky blue spring swing
Thank you for this opportunity!
1. Mini black rubber bliss bugs
2. Mini sky blue spring swings
Thank you for doing this in this way!
1. Mini sky blue spring swing
2. Mini black rubber bliss big
1. Chlorophyll tree and we
2. Black rubber omiwimo
Thanks guys!
1) Spring swings!!
2) Black rubber bliss bug
Please please please and thank you!!! ?
1.) Gold Fleck Smeezys. 10″ x 12″ Gold Fleck Edition of 16
2.) Mini Black Rubber Bliss Bug Packs . 7″ x 7″ bug on black rubber paper from 2013, packaged with two 5″ x 5″s and other micro goodies
Thank you for the opportunity Marq & Gnomes – killer lottery!
1. Mini sky blue swing
2. Bliss bug
1.) Mini Sky Blue Spring Swings . 7.5″ x 5″ swings from from 2012, packaged with two 5″ x 5″s and other micro goodies. Price: $125
2.) Chlorophyll Tree & We . 23″ x 23″ color-changing Chlorophyll edition of 24. Price: $800
Thank you!
1.) full sized creature caravan(metallic grey edition).
2.) mini sky blue spring swings.
Thank you!
It’s Hump Day!!
Mini Sky Blue Spring Swing
Mini Black Rubber Bliss Bug Pack
1. Black Rubber omiwimo (blue)
2. Mini Black Rubber Bliss Bug pack.
1. Mini Black Rubber Bliss Bug Packs
2. Mini Sky Blue Spring Swings
1.) Black Smeezy
2.) Purple rubber Omiwimo
Thanks for the chance
1. Creature Caravan Metallic Grey
2. Mini Sky Blue Swings
1.black Omiwimo (blue edition )
2. Chlorophyll Tree and We
1. Silver smeezy
2. Met silver caravan!
Thanks to Marq, the gnomes and gnomes in training!
1. Smeezy black edition
2. Chlorophyll tree
Greetings, thank you for the opportunity. My choices are 1) Creature Caravan (full Size) and 2) Chlorophyll Tree & We.
1) Mini Sky Blue Spring Swings
2) Black Smeezy
1. Silver Smeezy
2. Silver No in Noplace
1. Merlot Now in Noplace
2. Merlot Smeezy
Thanks for the chance Marq and gnomes, you guys rock!!
Purple rubber omiwimo
Sky blue spring swings
1. The tree and we
2. Black omiwimo
Thank you so much!!!
1) Bliss bug pack with 2 5X5s
2) Black smeezy
1. Mini Sky Blue Spring Swings
2. Mini Black Rubber Bliss Bug Packs
Please and thank you!!! 🙂
Peace, love, Melvook from the MFC
• Chlorophyll Tree & We . 23″ x 23″ color-changing Chlorophyll edition of 24. Price: $800
• Squash Creature Caravan. 28″ x 12″ Squash Edition of 38. Price: $750
Vookmas, vookster, and vook of July. Vook on. Melvook for president. By the people, for the people, bow to the all seeing eye
1)mini sky blue spring swings
2) merlot smeezy
1. Mini Black Rubber Bug Pack
2. Gold Fleck Smeezy
Thank you!!!
1: Gold Fleck Now in No Place
2: Gold Foil Omiwimo
Thank you so much ?
1. Sky blue spring swings mini pack
2. Metallic creature caravan (big)
Thank you!!!!!
1. Gold Fleck Smeezy
2. Chlorophyll Tree & We
1. Mini Sky Blue Spring Swings
2. Squash Creature Caravan
Thanks for the chance at this
1)Silver smeezy
2) Gold foil OMIWIMO
THanks Gnomies
1) Chlorophyll Tree & We
2) Silver Smeezys
I want Tree & We in glass on my wall so badly!!! Thanks for the chance!
1) Mini Sky Blue Spring Swings
2) Black Smeezy
Thank you !
1) Gold Fleck Smeezy
2) Mini Sky Blue Spring Swing
Thank you for the chance 🙂
Im really hoping to get my first mini pack today
1) Bliss bug pack
2)Swing mini pack
1. Black Rubber Omiwimos (Blue Variety).
2. Mini Sky Blue Spring Swings
Thank you so much for the chance and good luck to all! 🙂
1. Squash caravan
2. Black smeezy
1. Mini sky blue spring swing.
2. Black smeezy
1.spring swing
2. Bliss bug pack
Thanks for the chance Marq!
1. Black Rubber Omi (Blue Variety)
2.Black Rubber Bliss Bug Pack
Thanks so much for the chance!! Really love the Omiwimo on black rubber!
1. Full Size Creature Caravan (gray)
2. Mini sky blue spring swings
1. Spring Swing mini pack
2. Creature Caravan full size reg
As usual, thank you so much for your generosity Marq and gnomes!
1 Creature Caravans (Full Size). 28″ x 12″ Metallic Gray
2 Squash Creature Caravan. 28″ x 12″ Squash Edition
1) Black Rubber Bliss Bug
2) Mini Sky Blue Swings
Thanks so much for the chance!!
1. Black rubber Omiwimo (pink variety )
2. Merlot Smeezy
Thank you!
1. Black Bliss Bug pack
2. Blue Spring Swing
Thank You!!
2)Cosmos foil OMIWIMO
Thanks for the chance!
1) Mini Black Rubber Bliss Bug Pack <3 <3
2) Black Rubber Omiwimos
Merlot Smeezy
Sky Blue Swings.
Thanks for the chance!
1. Gold fleck smeeeezy
2. Silver smeeeezy
Thank you for the chance! ⚡️
1: Black Rubber Bliss Bug pack
2: Sky Blue Mini Swing pack
A little late to the game.. thanks for the chance !!!
1) Black Bliss Bug pack
2) Blue Spring Swing pack
Green cosmos foil Omiwimo
Black rubber bliss bug mini pack
Thanks so much.
1)Bliss bug pack
2)Silver NINP
1. Silver Smeezy
2. Purple Rubber Omiwomo
Please, and thank you for this opportunity!
1. Black Smeezy
2. Silver Now in Noplaces
Mini Sky Blue Spring Swings
Mini black rubber bliss bug pack
Thank you
Back rubber omi -blue
Mini sky blue swing
Please and thanks you for doing this.
Very cool
1. Bliss bug pack
2. Creature caravan
• Gold Foil Omiwimos (Either Variety). 10″ x 10″ Gold Edition of 6. Price: $230
• Gold Fleck Now in Noplace. 12″ x 12″ Gold fleck Edition of 16. Price: $300
1. Silver Smeezy
2. Black Rubber Bliss Bug
1. Mini bliss bug
2. Mini sky blue swing
1 Mini Sky Blue Spring Swing
2 Mini Black Rubber Bliss Bug Pack
1. Silver smeezy
2. Purple Omiwimos
Im glad I made the cut on this!
1)Silver NINP
2) swing pack
Fingers crossed!
1.) Gold Foil Omiwimo
2.) Silver Smeezy
Mini Black Rubber Bliss Bug Pack
Silver Smeezy. 10″ x 12″ Silver Variant Edition of 28
Good luck everyone! <3
1. Mini Black Rubber BLISS bug pack!
2. Black Omiwimo of the Duke Blue variety!
1. Gold Foil Omiwimos
2. Mini Sky Blue Spring Swings
1. Gold Fleck Smeezy
2. Chlorophyll Tree & We ?
1. Chlorophyll Tree & WE!!!
2. Purple Rubber OmiWiMo
Bless you gnomes!
1. Gold Fleck Smeezy
2. Gold Fleck Now in Noplaces
1)Purple rubber OMIWIMO
2)Black rubber smeezy
Silver Smeezy
Silver Now In Noplace
1.) Swamp Now in Noplace
2.) Silver Now in Noplaces
Muchas Gracias!!
• Mini Sky Blue Spring Swings.
• Mini Black Rubber Bliss Bug Packs.
Thank you!!
1)Black Rubber Omiwimos (Blue Variety)
2)bliss bug pack
Thank y’all so much would love to have the opportunity to win
O how exciting!
1)gold foil OMIWIMO
2)Bliss bug pack
1. Creature Caravan (full size) gray
2. Silver smeezy
Silver smeezy
Mini spring swing
1) Gold Fleck Smeezys.
2) Silver Smeezys.
Thanks for the Chance!
1. Gold fleck Smeez
2. fullsize caravan reg
Thanks folks!
1. Chlorophyl Tree & We
2. Green Cosmos Foil Omiwimo
1. Spring Swings
2. Black bliss bug
Fingers crossed! Cheers
1. Gold Foil Omiwimo (my dream print)
2. Swing Mini Pack Right facing (for the match)
Thanks a whole bunch for the opportunity gnomes!!!
1. Mini Sky Blue Spring Swing
2. Green Cosmos Foil Omni
Thank you!
1. Green Cosmos Foil Omiwimo (Either Variety)
2. Mini Sky Blue Spring Swings
Thank you!!! 🙂
1) spring swing mini
2) creature Caravan full size grey
Thank you Spusta gnomes!
Mini Black Rubber Bliss Bug Pack
Black Rubber Omiwimos (Blue Variety)
1. Sky blue mini spring swing
2. Purple rubber Omiwimo
Thank you for the chance!!
1. Black Smeezy.
2. Gold Fleck Smeezys.
I would absolutely Cherish these! Thanks!
1. Gold Fleck Smeezy (#7/16 the red eye special)
2. Black Smeezy (aka O’Smeezy because I met my wife on St. Patty’s Day)
Thanks for the chance!!! I’m an addict, I need more Spusta in my life!
1. Grey creature caravan
2. Swamp No In Noplaxe
1)silver smeezy
2) Gold foil OMIWIMO
1 bliss bug
2 creature caravan gray
awesome lottery thanks for the chance
1) Chlorophyll tree and we!
2) Squash caravan
Thanks for the lotto Marq and gnomes!
1. Black Bliss Bug pack
2. Silver embellished smeezy
Thanks for the lottery, and the opportunity!
1. Black Rubber Omniwow Blue
2. Mini Black Rubber Bliss Bugs
Interested in
`Mini Sky Blue Swings
`Mini Black Rubber Bliss Bug Packs .
1) Black Smeezy
2) Blue Spring Swing Pack
Thanks Marq and Gnomes!
Cosmo green foil Omiwimo
Black Rubber Bliss Bug
1. Chlorophyll Tree & We
2. Squash Creature Caravan
1) Green Foil Omiwimo
2) Gold Fleck Smeezy
Thank you Marq and Gnomes for continuing to make sure things land in collectors hands! I’d gladly purchase either or both
Merlot Smeezy & Chlorophyll Tree & We
1. Blue Spring Swing Pack
2. Black Rubber Omiwimo – Blue Variety
1. Squash creature Caravan
2. Merlot Smeezy
Fingers crossed!!
1 – Black Smeezy.
2 – Gold Fleck Smeezys.
I will probably pass out if chosen 😉
Thanks Marq & Gnomes!
1. Mini black rubber bliss bug set and
2. Black rubber omiwimo (either variety)
Thanks Marq and the gnomes! Fingers, toes , and everything else for an invoice. My batting avg is 0…
1. Chlorophyll Tree & We
2. Black Smeezy
1. Mini Black rubber bliss bug pack
2. Squash Creature Caravan
1. Mini Sky Blue Spring Swings .
2. Mini Black Rubber Bliss Bug Packs
Gold fleck smeezy
Black smeezy
Really want to get my smeez on
Wow, what a way to wake up!!
1. Gray Caravan
2. Sky Blue Swings
Thank you so much for the chance!
1. Black Smeezy
2. Silver Smeezy
Spring Swings & Black Rubber Bug Pack
1. Silver Smeezy
2. Purple Omiwimo
1. Silver Smeezy
2. Spring swing
1. Black Smeezy
2. Swamp Now in NoPlace
Thank you!
Green Cosmos Foil Omiwimo
Silver Now in Noplace
1. Purple rubber omiwimo
2. Sky blue spring swing
1. Creature Caravans (Full Size). Metallic Gray Edition
2.Black Rubber Omiwimos (Blue Variety).
Full size Creature Caravan
Tree & Wee.
So absolutely awesome for you to do this.
1. Gold Fleck Smeezy
2. Black Smeezy
1. Mini Black Rubber Bliss Bug Packs
2. Mini Sky Blue Spring Swings
1. Silver smeezy
2. Chlorophyll tree and we
1. Spring Swings
2. Chlorophyll Tree & We
Thanks for the chance!
1. Metallic Caravan
2. Silver smeezy
1. Black rubber bliss bug pack
2. Mini Sky Blue Spring Swings
Thanks for the opportunity!
1. Merlot Smeezy
2. Black Smeezy
Thank you!
1.Chloro Tree and we
2.Mini bliss bug Pack
1. Silver sneezy
2. Swamp now in no place
Thanks you!!!
Yay to the madness!
1. Gold Fleck Smeezy
2. Merlot Smeezy
1. Purple Omiwimo
2. Mini Black Rubber Bliss Bug pack
So much fun!! Thank you so much for the chance.
1.Spring Swing
2.Bliss Bug
1. Black Rubber Omiwimos (Blue Variety). 10″ x 10″ Black Edition of 34.
2. Mini Sky Blue Spring Swings . 7.5″ x 5″ swings from from 2012, packaged with two 5″ x 5″s and other micro goodies
1. Spring swing
2. Silver smeezy
1. Full size gray Creature caravan
2.mini black rubber bliss bug
Awesome lottery! Thanks for the chance!
Purple Rubber Omiwimo
Squash Caravan
1 … Chlorophyll TREE and WE
2 … Silver SMEEZY
thank u ?
1. Black Smeezy
2. Silver Smeezy
Thanks, Gnomes!
1. Green Foil COSMOS Omiwimo
2. Purple Rubber Omiwimos (Either Variety)
Dat’ cosmos though!
<3 <3 <3 you gnomes
Mini Sky Blue Spring Swings . 7.5″ x 5″
Full size silver creature caravan
Thanks so much
1. Metallic Caravan
2. Spring Swing
1) Black Smeezy
2) Black Rubber Omiwimos
Keep it greasy. Thanks for the humpday fun! Farm out.
1.) Silver Smeezzz
2.) Tree & We
Wow the choice is difficult!
1. Merlot Smeezy
2. Black Rubber Bliss Bug
1- Creature Caravans (Full Size). 28″ x 12″ Metallic Gray Edition of 150. Price: $380
2- Squash Creature Caravan. 28″ x 12″ Squash Edition of 38. Price: $750
1. Mini Blue Sky Swings
2. Mini Black Rubber Bliss Bugs Pack
Thanks, Have a great day
1.) Silver Smeezy
2.) Tree and We
1) spring swing pack
2) bliss bug pack
1)Spring swing
2)Bliss bug
You rule!!
1-silver Smeezy
1-merlot Smeezy
mini black rubber bliss bug packs
mini sky blue spring swings
THANKS so much for a chance on these !
1. Purple Rubber Omiwimo
2. Silver Smeezy
Thank you!
1.Creature Caravans (Full Size). 28″ x 12″ Metallic Gray
2.Mini Spring Swing Pack
1. Mini Sky Blue Spring Swings
2. Creature Caravans (Full Size)
Thank you so much! Have a great day!
1) Mini Sky Blue Spring Swings
2) Mini Black Rubber Bliss Bug
Thanks for the Chance!
1. Gold Foil Omiwimo (Either Variety). 10″ x 10″
2. Purple Rubber Omiwimo
1. Chlorophyll Tree & We
2. Creature Caravan Metallic Gray Edition of 150
Thanks for all that you guys have been doing/releasing to feed the frenzy!
1.) Squash Creature Caravan
2.) Merlot Now in Noplace
1. Spring swing
2. Creature caravan
1. Squash Creature caravan
2. Grey creature Caravan
Thank you!!
1. Sky Blue Swings
2. Green Cosmos Omiwimos
Thanks Gnomes!!!!
1Silver Smeezy . 2)Purple Rubber Omiwimos . Thank you!
* Silver Smeezy
*Silver Now in Noplace
Thanks :D:D
Green Cosmos Foil Omiwimo (Either Variety)
Spring Swings pack
Let’s roll the dice!
1. Creature Caravan (metallic Gray)
2. Black Rubber Bliss Bug
Thank you very much!
• Mini Black Rubber Bliss Bug Packs . 7″ x 7″ bug on black rubber paper from 2013, packaged with two 5″ x 5″s and other micro goodies. Price: $125
• Mini Sky Blue Spring Swings . 7.5″ x 5″ swings from from 2012, packaged with two 5″ x 5″s and other micro goodies. Price: $125
Thank you! Enjoy your Wednesday…
1. Black Rubber Omiwimos (blue variety)
2. Mini Sky Blue Swings
Mark and the Gnomes have a wonderful week
1. Squash Creature Caravan
2. Black Smeezy
Thanks for the opportunity.
Chlorophyll Tree & We
Silver Smeezy
1- Chlorophyll Tree & We
2- Gold Fleck Smeezy
1. Chlorophyll Tree & We
2. Gold Fleck Smeezy
Lotto’s yes!!
*Black Smeezy please
* Gold Fleck Now in nopplace
1 Mini Black Rubber Bliss Bug Packs .
2 Mini Sky Blue Spring Swings .
1)Silver Smeezy 2)Merlot Smeezy…
…Let the madness begin, now I need some coffee! – cheers
1. Mini Sky Blue Spring Swings
2. Mini Black Rubber Bliss Bug
1. Black Smeezy
2. Swamp Now in Noplace
– The sky blue mini swing would be my favorite.
– I would also love the gold fleck Smeezy.
1 Black Rubber Omiwimo
2 Mini Black Bliss Bug Pack
Thanks Marq and Gnomes always appreciate the hard work
Hi there and thanks for doing some lottery fun this week.
Gold Fleck Smeezy
Black Smeezy
1. Black smeezy
2. Chlorophyll tree and we.
Hope luck is on my side this March you Wednesday. It’s been so long. Thanks for the chance gnomes
Good morning
1. Mini Sky Blue Spring Swings
2. Chlorophyll Tree & We
Thank you!!
1) Silver Smeezy
2) Black Rubber Omiwimo (Blue)
Thank you very much! This is awesome!
black rubber smeezy
gold fleck now in no place
*Black Smeezy. 10″ x 12″ Black Edition of 6. embellished.
*Chlorophyll Tree & We . 23″ x 23″ color-changing Chlorophyll edition of 24.
Thank you!!
• Squash Creature Caravan. 28″ x 12″ Squash Edition of 38. Price: $750
• Gold Foil Omiwimos (Either Variety). 10″ x 10″ Gold Edition of 6. Price: $230
Full size caravan regular
Gold Fleck Smeezy
Please and thank you!!
Whoa! Tree and We please!
Or silver Smeeze please.
1.Metallic Gray Creature Caravan
2.Mini Black RubberBug Bliss
Thank you!
1 Purple rubber omiwimo
2 Green foil omiwimo
1. Merlot Smeezy
2. Cosmo Omiwimo
Thank you!
1. Mini black rubber bliss bug
2. Mini sky blue spring swing
Thank you!
• Mini Black Rubber Bliss Bug Packs . 7″ x 7″ bug on black rubber paper from 2013, packaged with two 5″ x 5″s and other micro goodies. Price: $125
• Mini Sky Blue Spring Swings . 7.5″ x 5″ swings from from 2012, packaged with two 5″ x 5″s and other micro goodies. Price: $125
1) mini sky blue spring swing
2) black rubber omiwimos (pink)
1. Black rubber omniwo (blue)
2. Black rubber omniwo (pink)
Squash Caravan
Merlot Smeazy
Merlot Smeezy
Tree and we
Thanks so much for the chance.
Mini Black Rubber Bliss Bug Packs
Mini Sky Blue Spring Swings
1. Merlot Smeezeeeeeeee
2. Green Cosmos Foil OMIWIMO (Meowwww)
Whaaaa…My eyes just bugged out!
1. Silver Smeeeez
2. Silver now in no place
1. Silver Smeezy
2. Green foil omniwo
1. Silver smeezy
2. Mini Black rubber bliss bug pack!
Thank you!
This is like F’N Christmas!!! Thank U Marq n Gnomes Love How You Rollll 😛
SWAMP Now in NoPlace <3
Golden Pussy of course! Gold Omiwimo!
1. Mini sky blue spring swings
2. Mini black rubber bliss bug pack
1. Mini Sky Blue Spring Swings
2. Merlot Now in Noplace. 12″ x 12
1. Mini Black Rubber Bliss Bug
2. Mini Sky Blue Spring Swing
Either of these would be awesome!!! Thanks for the chance!!
1. Creature Caravan Gray Edition
2. Chlorophyll Tree and We
1-Silver Smeezy
2-Gold Fleck Smeezy
1. Silver smeezy
2.Tree and We please.
Thank u for the chance.
1. Mini Black Rubber Bliss Bug Packs
2. Mini Sky Blue Spring Swings
please pick me this time… please
1 – Omi black rubber blue
2 – Omi black rubber pink
Thank you!
1. Black Smeezy
2. Mini Black Rubber Bliss Bug Packs
Mini Sky Blue Spring Swings . 7.5″ x 5″ swings from from 2012,
Second choice.
Mini Sky Blue Spring Swings or any swing..
Thank you in advance.
1. Black smeezy
2. Squash creature caravan
1 – Chlorophyll Tree & We
2 – Metallic Gray Creature Caravan
Thanks for this opportunity.
My picks are:
1. Purple Rubber Omiwimo
2. Full Sized Creature Caravan Regular Edition.
1) Mini Sky Blue Spring Swings
2) Mini Black Rubber Bliss Bug Packs
Thank you so much!! 🙂
1. Silver Smeezy
2 blue sky swings
1. Black Smeezy
2. Green cosmos foil Omiwino
Chlorophyll Tree & We
Squash Creature Caravan
1. Mini Black Rubber Bliss Bug Packs
2. Mini Sky Blue Spring Swings
Thank you for the chance!
1. Silver smeezy
2. Reg full size caravan
1. Creature Caravans Metallic Gray Edition of 150
2. Mini Sky Blue Spring Swings
Thanks for the opportunity! Peace
1 Silver Smeezy
2 Gold Fleck Smeezy
Thanks for the lotto Marq! Fingers Crossed!
I’ll go for :
#1 – Creature Caravan Full Size
#2 – Silver Smeezy
1) black rubber omiwimos (blue)
2) mini sky blue spring swing
Green Cosmos Foil Omiwimo
Black Rubber Omiwimo (blue variety)
1 Mini Black Rubber Bliss Bug Packs
2 Mini Sky Blue Spring Swings .
Black Rubber Omiwimos
Mini Sky Blue Spring Swing
1. Black smeezy
2. Silver smeezy
1. Black Rubber Omiwimos (Blue Variety)
2. Mini Black Rubber Bliss Bug Packs
1. Black Rubber Omiwimos (blue variety)
2. Creature caravan full size metallic gray
1. Spring Swing pack
2. Black Rubber Bliss Bug packs
Thank you!
7042 Nela Rd
1. gold fleck Smeezy
2. Blackrubber Omiwimo
1. Tree and we
2. Sky blue swing
1. Regular full size caravan
2. Squash caravan
1) Silver Smeezy
2) Black Rubber Omiwimos (Blue)
Mini Sky Blue Spring Swing
Black Rubber Omiwimos
1. silver smeezy
2. black bliss bug pack
1-Purple rubber omnimos 2-Mini Sky Blue Spring Swing Thanks and Have a Grateful Day:)
1. Creature Caravans (Full Size). 28″ x 12″ Metallic Gray Edition
2. Mini Black Rubber Bliss Bug Packs
Thank you!
1. black smeezy
2. black bliss bugs
Black Rubber Omiwimos (Blue Variety).
Mini Black Rubber Bliss Bug Packs
Full Size Silver Caravan
Bliss Bug Pack
1. Silver Smeezy
2. Black Omiwimo
Thanks for the shot!
1. Silver Smeezy
2. Gold Fleck Now In Noplace.
Wow. Amazing. Thanks
1) mini black rubber bliss bug pack
2) black rubber omiwimos (pink variety)
1. Black Smeezy
2. Squash Creature Caravan
Thank you so much for the chance!!!
1 – Black Rubber Bliss Bug mini pack
2 – Smeezy Black full size
Thanks Marq! 😉
1.Silver Smeezys
2.Gold Foil Omiwimos
Thanks for pulling these out and offering them up!
Been looking for a full size Creature Caravan since the drop so going to put both of my choices down for:
Creature Caravan (regular edition)
Mini Sky Blue Spring Swing
Black rubber Omiwimos
Spring swing
Black smeezy
Thanks for the chance
Creature Caravans (Full Size) 150
Black Smeezy
Thanks and good luck!
Thanks guys so much for the chance to win!!!! My luck in the shop has been a little down hill lately. Maybe today is my lucky day!
1.) Any Smeezy I’m not picky I just want one!
2.) The tree and we
Thanks so much again guys. Just can’t get enough of your art!!!! Have a great day
1. black smeezy
2. goldfleck smeezy
thank you!
Black smeezy
Tree and We
1 – Silver Smeezy
2 – Purple Omiwimo
1. Green Cosmos Foil Omiwimo (Either Variety)
2. Black Smeezy. 10″ x 12″ Black Edition of 6. embellished
Thanks for the chance! Good Luck to you all!
Oh my giddy gosh…….fell asleep on couch with massive headache wake up to see this. Too many awesome choices will just have to try and be responsible and try and stick in my budget. Awesome work yet again. (headache gone :D)
• Mini Black Rubber Bliss Bug
• Purple Rubber Omiwimos
Black Rubber Omiwimos
Mini Sky Blue Spring Swing
• Mini Black Rubber Bliss Bug Packs . 7″ x 7″ bug on black rubber paper from 2013, packaged with two 5″ x 5″s and other micro goodies. Price: $125
• Mini Sky Blue Spring Swings . 7.5″ x 5″ swings from from 2012, packaged with two 5″ x 5″s and other micro goodies. Price: $125
Thanks so much for the chance for both or either!!!
Mini Sky Blue Spring Swings
Squash Creature Caravan
1. Chlorophyll Tree and we
2. silver smeezy
1. Black Smeezy
2. Silver Smeezy
Thank you,
Black rubber Omiwimo, blue
Black rubber Omiwimo, pink
1. Mini Sky Blue Spring Swings
2. Black Rubber Omiwimos (Blue Variety)
1. Silver Smeezy
2. Black Bliss Bug Pack
Thank you!
Wow, what a list of prints, how do you pick just two!?!
Mini Sky Blue Spring Swings
Gold Fleck Smeezy
Thanks Marq!
1. Squash Caravan
2. Silver Smeeze
Thank you!
1 gold fleck smeezy
2 swamp now in no place
1. Merlot Smeezy
2. Creature Caravans-Metallic Gray Edition
Thank you so much! 🙂
1-Silver Now in Noplace
2 Spring Swing
Thanks Marq
1) Merlot Smeezy
2) Purple Rubber Omiwimo
Black Smeezy
Silver Smeezy
-Black Omi (pink)
-Black Bliss Bug Pack
Many Thanks Marq and Gnomes 🙂
1. Gold Fleck Smeezy
2. Purple Omiwimo
Thanks for the chance!
1. Chlorophyl Tree and wee
2. Green Cosmos Omiwimo
I would love a shot at the Spring Swing packages, or the Black Rubber Omiwimios – thank you for the opportunity!
1. Silver Smeezy
2. Black rubber bliss bug pack
Thanks so much for the opportunity!
1. Green cosmos foil Omiwimo
2. Black Smeezy
Thank you!
Black Rubber Omiwimos
Mini Sky Blue Spring Swing
Would love to get
1- Gold Fleck Smeezy
2- Squash Creature Caravan
Thanks Marq
Swing Set or Bliss Pack. Thank you!!!
• Gold Fleck Smeezy!
• black bliss bug!
Words can’t express the communal appreciation for your work. thanks again from all your fans!
1) Chlorophyll Tree and We
2) Black Smeezy
Thanks for the chance on a stellar Lotto!
1. Black Rubber Omiwimo (blue variant)
2. Purple Rubber Omiwiimo (either variant)
Thanks for the chance!!
Black Bliss
Blue Spring
Pleas, & thank you.
Chlorophyll tree and we
Swamp now in no place
Thanks so much
1. Creature Caravans (Full size)
2. mini sky blue spring swings
Thanks guys!!!
1) Black Rubber Omiwimos (Blue Variety).
2) Black Rubber Omiwimos (Pink Variety).
1) Black Smeezy
2) Swamp Now in No Place
This is great thank you!
Black Rubber Omiwimos (Blue Variety)
Sliver smeezy
P’s Awesome Variants
Thanks for the opportunity
Gold fleck smeezy
Black rubber omiwomo
1. Mini bliss bug pack
2. Spring Swing pack
1. Gold Fleck Smeezy
2. Mini Sky Blue Spring Swings
What an opportunity!
1. Mini black rubber bliss bug pack
2. Sky blue mini spring swing pack
Creature Caravans (Full Size)
Mini Black Rubber Bliss Bug Packs . 7″ x 7″ bug on black rubber paper from 2013
1. purple rubber omiwimo (blue)
2. mini sky blue spring swings
1. Silver Smeezy
2. Black Omiwimo
1.Black Smeezy. 10″ x 12″ Black Edition
2.Creature Caravans (Full Size). 28″ x 12″ Metallic Gray Edition.
1. gold fleck smeezy please
2. Silver now in no place ( my favorite Spusta print of all time.
Thanks for the chance Marq and gnomes.
1. Tree & We
2. Gold Fleck Smeezy
1) Gold Foil Omiwimo (either variety)
2) Black Omiwimo (blue)
Thanks for the chance
1. Silver smeezy
2. Silver now in no place
1. Silver Smeezy
2. Creature Caravan fullsize Grey Edition
1. Creature Caravan (Full Size Gray)
2. Black Smeezy
Thanks Marq and Gnomes!!
• Silver Smeezys. 10″ x 12″ Silver Variant Edition of 28, these in the lottery have all been embellished. Price: $300
• Gold Fleck Smeezys. 10″ x 12″ Gold Fleck Edition of 16.these in the lottery have all been embellished. Price: $350
Thanks gnomes!
1. Silver smeezy
2. Gray Caravan
1. Creature Caravan Squash variant
2. Smeezy Black Variant
Good morning Marq/Gnomes! Thanks for the excellent lottery. Best of luck to all
Interested in:
1) Bliss Bug pack
2) Green Cosmos Omiwimo
Thanks for the opportunity!
1) Black Omiwimo (pink)
2) Gold Foil Omiwimo
Hi gnomies! I’d love ALL of these, but I managed to narrow it down to two:
Mini swing pack
Mini bliss bug pack
Thanks for the chance!
1) Mini Spring Swing
2) bliss bug mini
Gold fleck Smeezy
Gold foil Omi
Thank you ✌?️
1. Black Smeezy
That’s it, thank you
Purple Rubber Omiwimos (Either Variety). 10″ x 10″ Purple Edition of 11.
Black Rubber Omiwimos (Blue Variety). 10″ x 10″ Black Edition of 34.
Creature Caravan Full Size Gray
Now in Noplace Swamp
1) Mini Black Rubber Bliss Bug Packs . 7″ x 7″ bug on black rubber paper!
2) Green Cosmos Foil Omiwimo (Either Variety)
This is madness, and I am loving every second of it. Thanks for the sweet chance at some Either!
1. Black Omiwimo (pink)
2. Mini Sky Blue Spring Swings
Thank you for the opportunity!!
1. Mini Black Rubber Bliss Bug Pack
2. Mini Sky Blue Spring Swings
1. Chlorophyll Tree & We
2. Gold Foil Omiwimo
Thank you!
1) Sliver now in noplace
2) Gold flock now in noplace
thank you
1. Silver embellished smeezy
2. Black embellished smeezy
1. Black Smeezy
2. Gold flek Smeezy
1) Silver Smeezy
2) Chlorophyll Tree and We
Thank you for the opportunity and Happy Hump Day!
Black rubber omiwimo blue
Creature caravan
1) black omiwimo (blue)
2) gold foil omiwimo
thank you
• Mini Black Rubber Bliss Bug Packs . 7″ x 7″ bug on black rubber paper from 2013, packaged with two 5″ x 5″s and other micro goodies. Price: $125
• Mini Sky Blue Spring Swings . 7.5″ x 5″ swings from from 2012, packaged with two 5″ x 5″s and other micro goodies. Price: $125
Silver Smeezy
Mini Spring Swing pack
Preciate ya!
1. Green Cosmos Foil Omiwimo (Either Variety)
2. Merlot Smeezy
1. black smeezy
2. mini sky blue spring swings
1. Black Rubber Omiwimo (Pink Variety)
2. Black Rubber Bliss Bug pack
1. Silver Smeezys
2. Gold Foil Omiwimo
Thank you for doing what you do!
mini black rubber bliss bug
creature caravan
much appreciated
1. Purple Owimono
2. Blue swing pack
Thanks Marq and gnomes
1. Creature Caravan Gray
2. Mini Black Rubber Bliss Bug Pack
Thank you
1.) Black Smeezy
2.) Creature Caravan Squash
1) mini sky blue spring swings
2) mini black rubber bliss bug
thank you very much
1) Black Smeezy
2) Purple Rubber Omiwimo
thanks for the chance.
1) Silver Smeezys 10″ x 12″ Silver Variant
2) Green Cosmos Foil Omiwimo (Either Variety
1-Purple Rubber Omiwimos
2- Mini Sky Blue Spring Swings
Holy Cannoli, thank you all so very much. What a special day 😀
Thanks for the chance!
Bliss Bug
Mini Sky Blue Spring Swings
1. Mini Black Rubber Bliss Bug
2. Gold Fleck Smeezy
1. Merlot Smeezy
2. Merlot Now in Noplace
Thanks Marq!
Silver Smeezy
1) Mini Sky Blue Spring Swings
2) Mini Black Rubber Bliss Bug Packs
Thank You Marq and Gnomes!
Purple Rubber Omiwimos
Black Smeezy
Pick 1 Cosmo green omiwimo
Pick 2 squash creature caravan
Extra big hero’s thanks to marq and the gnomes.
Gold Fleck Smeezy
1. Creature Caravans (Full Size)
2. Gold Foil Omiwimo
1. Silver smeezy
2. Black rubber omiwimo (blue)
1. Creature Caravans (Full Size) Metallic Gray Edition of 150 I gave the one I was able to procure away to a friend for their nursery for their first born. This is my 2nd favorite spusta print.
2.Silver Smeezys. 10″ x 12″ Silver Variant Edition of 28, these in the lottery have all been embellished. Price: $300
Smeezy is one of my top 5 prints and I would love to own and frame this in my house.
Thank so much for the chance at the art!
My Marq Spysta powerball entry for this hump day!!!
Black sleezy
Choroyphyll tree & we
Thank you for this mayhem raffle!!!
1. purple Omiwimo
2. Green Omiwimo
Please and thank you….
Good luck to all
Thanks for the opportunity Marq & the gnomes. I’d love either
1. Black Smeezy or
2. Black rubber Omiwimo blue edition
Thanks again,
1. Mini black rubber bliss bug
2. Mini sky blue spring swing
gold fleck now in no place
merlot smeeze
1. Tree and Wee Chlorpophyll
2. Creature Caravan Metallic Grey
Thank you sooooo much for the chance!! Some lucky will be sooo happy today
Go big or go home eh? 🙂
1.Mini Sky Blue Spring Swing
2. Mini Black Rubber Bliss Bug Pack
Silver Smeeze
black Now In noplace
Thanks guys!
Squash creature caravan full size
Chlorophyll tree and we
Thanks for the chance.
Here we go.. .
1. Chlorophyll tree and wee please
2. Black Smeezy
Thanks Mr Marq!
1- gray full size creature caravan
2- squash full size creature caravan
1…… Creature Caravans (Full Size). 28″ x 12″ Metallic Gray Edition
2…… Squash Creature Caravan. 28″ x 12″ Squash Edition
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Full size caravan
Mini spring swing set
1-Creature Caravan-Metallic Gray
2-Gold Fleck Smeezy
Congrats Marq and gnomes on the continued success!
1. Gold Fleck Smeezy
2. Chlorophyll Tree & We
Big thanks ???
Merlot Smeezy
Spring Swing pack
1) black smeezy
2) gold foil Omiwimos
Thanks for the chance !!!!
1. Silver Smeezy
2. Gold Fleck Smeezy
Mini Sky Blue Spring Swings
Mini Black Rubber Bliss Bug Pack
1. Silver Smeezy
2. Spring Swing pack.
Thanks for the chace.
Sky blue spring swing
1. Silver Smeezy
2. Mini Black Rubber Bliss Bug pack
1. Squash Creature Caravan
2. Chlorophyll Tree & We
Thanks for all the great art!!!
Good Luck To All
Mini Black rubber bliss big pack
Mini black rubber bliss bug pack
Thank you for a fun Wednesday!
1) Silver Smeezy
2) Creature Caravan (Full Size)
Many thanks!
1. Gold foil omiwimo
2. Silver smeezy
1. black rubber bliss blug
2. blue swing
thanks so much for the oppurtunity!
1) Squash Creature Caravan
2) Chlorophyll Tree & We
1. Gold Fleck Smeezy
2. Green Cosmos Omiwimo
Thanks Marq and Gnomes
1. Chlorophyll Tree and We
2. Black Smeezy
1. Chlorophyll Tree & We
2. Squash Creature Caravan
Wow!! You are truly the best!!!
1. Silver Smeezy
2. Gold Fleck Smeezy
1 – Silver Smeezy
2 – Merlot Smeezy
Really appreciate it Marq!
• Black Rubber Omiwimos (Blue Variety). 10″ x 10″ Black Edition of 34. Price: $130
• Black Rubber Omiwimos (Pink Variety). 10″ x 10″ Black Edition of 34. Price: $130
1. Chlorophyll Tree & We
2. Green Cosmos Foil Omiwimo
Silver smeezy
Green Cosmos Foil Omiwimo
Much Love!!
1: sliver smeezy
2: gold fleck smeezy
Thanks marq and his mighty gnomes
Gold Fleck Smeezy
Blue Sprig Swing
1. Mini Sky Blue Spring Swings
2. Mini Black Rubber Bliss Bug Packs
1) Squash Caravan
2)Regular Caravan
1. Silver Smeezy
2. Sky blue swing
1. Mini Sky Blue SPRING SWING
2. Silver Smeezy
Fingers crossed….
Mini Sky Blue Spring Swings
Mini Black Rubber Bliss Bug Packs
You know I love me some bliss bugs.
1) bliss bug pack.
2) tree and wee for prosperity.
1 – Mini Sky Blue Spring Swing
2 – Mini Black Rubber Bliss Bug Pac
• Squash Creature Caravan. 28″ x 12″ Squash Edition
• Mini Sky Blue Spring Swings
1- Chlorophyll Tree & We
2- Green Cosmos Foil Omiwimo
Chlor Tree/We
Smeezy Sliver
1- silver smeezy
2-gold fleck smeezy
1. Squash Creature Caravan
2. Creature Caravan – Metallic Gray
Silver Smeezy and purple Omi
Silver Smeezy
Creature Caravans full size gray edition
Thanx a lot !!!
1. Mini Black Rubber Bliss Bug Packs
2. Mini Sky Blue Spring Swings
1) Merlot Smeazy
2) Chlorophyll Tree & We
1. Now in Noplace Variant
2. Bliss Bug on Black Rubber
1. Black Rubber Omiwimos
2. Mini Sky Blue Spring Swing
1) black smeeheezy
2) black smeedeezy
Wow! Killer lottery!
1. Purple rubber Omiwimo
2. Mini Swing pack
1. Mini black rubber bliss bug pack
2. Mini sky blue spring swings
Thank you so so much
1) Mini Sky Blue Spring Swings
2) Creature Caravans (full size) on Metallic Grey
1). Black smeezy
2). Black bliss bug pack
1) Gold Fleck Smeeez
2) Chlorophyll Tree & We
Thank you! I’m praying to the gnome gods for luck
• Gold Fleck Smeezys.
• Creature Caravans (Full Size).
Thank you
1. Gray Creature Caravan
2. Blue Spring Swings
Thanks Marq!! You Rock!!
Mini sky blue swino pleasemail
Gd fleck smeeZY
1) – • Chlorophyll Tree & We . 23″ x 23″ color-changing Chlorophyll edition of 24. Price: $800
2)• Silver Smeezys. 10″ x 12″ Silver Variant Edition of 28, these in the lottery have all been embellished. Price: $300
Great STUFF!!!
Purple Rubber Omiwimos
Black Rubber Omiwimos
What a way to wake up! 2 of my most sought after up!!!! Thanks so much for an amazing lotto! You’re the best!
1. Mini black rubber bliss bug
2. Mini sky blue spring swings
Eeeeee…. Yay!
1.Swing Pack
2.Bliss Bug Pack
Please and Thank You!
1. Sky Blue Spring
2. Chlorophyll Tree & We
1. Silver Smeezy
2. Purple Owimimo
Green Cosmos Foil Omiwimo
Mini Black Rubber Bliss Bug Packs
Keeping my fingers crossed… Thanks Marq!
1. Black Rubber Omiwimos (blue)
2. Black Rubber Omiwimos (pink)
Creature caravan (full size)
Gold Foil omniwimos gold edition (either)
So excited to be in this lottery. I am a new fan to Spusta and am really looking forward to getting my first piece of artwork.
Good luck to all in the lottery.
1. Fullsize CC Gray
2. Black Rubber Bliss Bug Pack
Thanks gnomes!
1 silver smeezy
2 gold fleck smeezy
Amazing lotto, thanks for a chance!
1. Creature Caravans Metallic Gray Edition.
2. Mini Sky Blue Spring Swing
Thanks Marq and Gnomes!
1) Silver Smeezy or any color really
2) Squash Creature Caravan
Thanks again <3
Silver smeezy
Purple rubber Omiwimos
Thank y’all!
Mini Sky Blue Spring Swings
Mini Black Rubber Bliss Bug Packs
Thanks so much!
1. Mini Sky Blue Spring Swings
2. Mini Black Rubber Bliss Bug Packs
1129 Benteen ave se
whoops..my comment got messed up!
1. blue swings
2. bliss bug rubber
1.Silver Smeezy
2.Gold fleck Smeezy
Thank you I need my first Spusta!!!
1. Silver Smeezy
2. Purple Omiwimo
Thank you so much!
Mini spring swings
Thank you
Purple Rubber Omiwimos
Mini Sky Blue Spring Swings
1 – Purple Rubber Omiwimus
2 – Mini Sky Blue Spring Swings
Thanks much!
Black rubber omiwomo blue variety
Silver now in no place
Thanks for the opportunity! I’d love to get either
1: Full Size Creature Caravan
2: Purple Rubber Omiwimos
Tree and We Chlorophyll
Omiwinos Cosmic Green
Thanks for the chance at these nuggets of awesomeness !
1. Mini Sky Blue Spring Swings
2. Chlorophyll Tree & We
Thank you!
1. Mini Black Rubber Bliss Bug Packs
2. Mini Sky Blue Spring Swing
Creature Caravan (full size)
Black rubber omiwomi (blue variety)
1-Chlorophyll Tree & We
2-Silver Smeezy
Thank you Marq!
First choice – Merlot Smeezy
2nd choice – black Smeezy
Thanks for the chance!
1 Black Smeezy
2 Silver Smeezy
thanks for the chance!
Mini Spring Swing
Mini Bliss Bug.
Great Lotto. Thanks Marq. luckGoodlutoall.
1. Silver Now in Noplaces.
2. Mini Black Rubber Bliss Bug pack
Thanks Marq & Gnomes for the chance!
1. Silver Smeezy
2. Mini Sky Blue Swing
1. Black rubber bliss bug, 2.blue spring swing , please and thank you!
1. Purple Rubber Omiwimo (Blue)
2. Gold Fleck Now In Noplace (to match my mini CC!)
Thank you for doing this, you guys are the best!
Merlot smeezy
Black rubber bliss bugs
Thanks much
This is such an amazing lotto Marq and the gnomes! I’m so excited to even have a chance to own a creature caravan, I have seemed to miss it over and over again, starting at the dogfish head event and leading to this very moment! I want everything in this lotto, but I Have to jump on the chance to own a caravan, please please please bless an addict with his fix!
Best artist/studio in the business, you surely know how to make your fans day/week/month/year/life!
So to clarify, these are my choices 🙂
• Creature Caravans (Full Size). 28″ x 12″ Metallic Gray Edition of 150. Price: $380
• Squash Creature Caravan. 28″ x 12″ Squash Edition of 38. Price: $750
1. Mini Black Rubber Bliss Bug Pack
2. Mini Sky Blue Spring Swings
1. creature caravan full size reg edition
2. Tree an we Chlorophyll
1. Creature caravan full size gray
2. Light blue swing set
Thank you Marq!
1. Chlorophyll Tree & We !
2. Creature Caravan – metallic grey edition
Yay! Thanks Marq! Happy hump day everyone!
1. Silver smeezy
2. mini sky blue spring swings
1-Chlorophyll Tree & We
2-Silver Smeezy
Thanks Marq!
1) Mini sky blue spring swings
2) Chlorophyll Tree and We
Good morning!
1.Gold Fleck Smeezy
2. Mini Sky Blue Spring Swing Pack
Thank you so much!
1. Black Rubber Omiwimos (Pink Variety). 10″ x 10″
2. Black Rubber Bliss Bus Pack!
Wow! Thank you for the lotto-love! Definitely makes the day so much more exciting! I’m excited about our most recent “call up” full-size. Y’all are the best!
1) Black Rubber OmiwimO (Pink Variety)
2) Purple Rubber OmiwimO
Thank you for the opportunity 🙂
1. Black rubber Smeezy
2. Black omi (blue varient)
#1 • Creature Caravans (Full Size). 28″ x 12″ Metallic Gray Edition of 150.
#2 • Squash Creature Caravan. 28″ x 12″ Squash Edition of 38.
1. Gold fleck Smeezy
2. Mini sky blue spring swings
1. Mini Black Rubber Bliss Bug Pack
2. Black Rubber Omiwimo (Pink Variety)
Thanks so much!
2 Mini Black Rubber Bliss Pack
1 Mini Sky Blue Spring Swing
Thanks for all of this! Wowzers!
Black rubber omiwimo (blue)
Mini Spring swing pack
Thank you!
1. Tree & We – chlorophyll
2. Silver Smeezy
1. Mini Black Rubber Bliss Bug Pack
2. Gold Foil Omiwimo (Either Variety)
Here’s hoping …
Creature Caravan Metallic Gray
1. Omiwinos Cosmic Green
2. Merlot Smeezy
1. Creature Caravans (Full Size).Metallic Gray Edition
2. Silver Smeezy
thanks for the chance!
1. Silver Smeezy
2. Gold Foil Omiwimo
Thanks for the chance!
Gold Foil Omiwimo
Gold Fleck Smeezys
1. Squash Creature Caravan
2. Gold Fleck Smeezy
1. tree & we – chlorophyll
2. purple rubber omiwimos
Mini black rubber bliss bug pack
Mini sky blue spring swings
Thanks good luck everyone!
1. • Creature Caravans (Full Size)
2. • Purple Rubber Omiwimos (Either Variety)
There once was a man from Columbus
Who got caught up in the Spusta ruckus
So he chose the BLUE SWING
And hoped that he didn’t end up with bupkis
1. Mini Sky Blue Spring Swing
2. Mini Black Rubber Bliss Bug Pack
Out like a lamb…
Gold Foil Omiwimos (Either Variety). 10″ x 10″ Gold Edition of 6. Price: $230
Shipping to Canada!!!!
Your friend from the north, please don’t let Trump build a wall around us too…bahahahah
1.mini sky Blue spring swing pack
2.bliss bug pack!
Woo whoo
1. Mini Sky Blue Spring Swings
2. Black Rubber Omiwimos
So you’re sayin’ there’s a chance? 🙂 Thanks so much!
1. Swings
2. Bliss Bug
Hope I get some birthday week lottery luck 😉
1) Black Smeezy.
2) Creature caravan full size reg eddition
1. Black Rubber Omiwimos
2. Pink Rubber Omiwimos
2) Black Omiwimo, blue face
1) Black Smeezy
1. Mini Black Rubber Bliss Bug Pack
2. Silver Smeezy
THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
1. Silver Smeezy
2. Purple Omiwimo
1. Creature Caravan (Full Size). Metallic Gray Edition of 150. !!!!
2. Black rubber Bliss Bug pack!!!!
Thanks for everything that you do
1) Grey Full Size Caravan. 2) Mini Sky Blue Swings
Full Size Silver Caravan
Gold Flake Smeezy
1. Gold Fleck Smeezy
2. Spring Swing mini pack
Thanks for the chance, hoping to end my bad luck streak today!
1. Mini Sky Blue Spring Swings
2. Silver Smeezy
1. Chlorophyll tree and we
2. Squash creature caravan
1 Gold Foil Omiwimo
2 Swamp Now in Noplace
1. Mini Black Rubber Bliss Bug Packs
2. Black Smeezy
my heart is full …of spusta excitement!
1. Creature Caravans in metallic gray if you please and please
2. Now in Noplace gold fleck
Mini sky blue spring swings
Mini black rubber bliss bug pack
Black rubber bliss bug please and thanks
Good luck to all & thanks to Marq and the gnomes !
1. Silver Smeezy
2. Black Rubber Omiwimo
Thanks for all the madness!
1. Silver Smeezy
2. Gold Foil Omiwimo
Mini black rubber bliss bug pack
Mini sky blue spring swing
Thank you
1. Sky Blue Spring Swing
2. Black Rubber Omiwimos (pink)
Wow, Great list to chose from!
1. Now in Noplace Merlot
2. Black Rubber Omiwimos (Blue Variety)
We sure like red wine here, some merlot Spusta would be much appreciated
Chlorophyll Tree and We
Merlot Smeezy
Silver smeezys
Gold Fleck Smeezy
Black Smeezy
Silver smeezy
1. black rubber bliss bug pack
2. purple rubber omiwimo
1. Cloraphllye tree & we
2. Swamp now in Noplace
Thanks for the great lotto and the chance to get some of my top ISO.
1. Chlorophyll Tree & We
2. Squash Creature Caravan
Thanks for the chance!!
Creature Caravan (any)
Smeezy (pleasey)
1) mini black rubber bliss bug pack
2) full size metallic grey creature caravan
Thanks Marq!
Black Rubber Omiwimos
Silver Smeezys. Silver Variant Edition
1. gold fleck smeezy
2. bliss bug mini pack
1. Smeezy
2. Listening.
Still waiting to score a spusta thanks for the chance.
1. Black Rubber Bliss Bug Pack
1: Squash Creature Caravan
2: Chlorophyll Tree & We
1. Chlorophyll Tree & We
2. Black Smeezy
Thank you very much, happy hump day!
Chlorophyll Tree & We
Black Smeezy
1) gold foil omiwimo (either)
2) silver smeezy
1-Mini Sky Blue Spring Swings
2-Mini Black Rubber Bliss Bug Packs .
Silver smeezy and bliss bug mini pack
1. Mini sky blue spring swing
2. Silver smeezy
1- mini black rubber bliss bug
2- silver now in noplace
1. Grey Creature Caravan
2. Mini Sky Blue Spring Swings
Thanks so much!
1. Silver Smeezy
2. Sky blue mini spring swing
Mini sky blue spring sring
1. Black Smeezy
2. Tree and We
1. Mini Sky Blue Spring Swings
2. Creature Caravans
Thank you for the chance
1. Squash Creature Caravan
2. Gold Fleck Smeezy
1) Tree & We
2) Swings
Thanks for the chance! Hope the lotto gods are with me today!
1. Silver smeezy
2. Black rubber omiwimos blue or pink
This is great, so much fun
1. Squash Creature Caravan
2. Gold Fleck Smeezy
1-mini black rubber bliss bug
2-creature caravan (full size)
Thanks for the chance!
Gold Fleck Smeezy and Gold Foil Omiwimo
Will there be a drop as well today?
Please and thank you!!!
1. Black Smeezy
2. Black Omi (blue face)
1. Black Rubber Omiwimo (Blue Variety)
2. Black Rubber Omiwimo (Pink Variety)
1. Black Smeezy
2. Merlot Now in Noplace
Just one …
Creature Caravan Metallic Gray
1. Merlot Now in Noplace
2. Squash Creature Caravan.
Thank-you for the opportunity!!!
Keep up the phenomenal work.
1. Gold Fleck Smeezy cause I love to get Smeezy
2. Purple Rubber Omiwimos the lady loves cats
Your art is totally awesome!
Squash Creature Caravan
Metallic Grey Creature Caravan
1.Gold Fleck Smeezy
2.Tree & We
Actually: Tree & We first
Smeezy second.
Thanks a ton gnomes!
1. Black Rubber Omniwow Pink
2. Swings
This is awesome
Mini Sky Blue Spring Swings .
Mini Black Rubber Bliss Bug Packs .
1.) Silver Smeezy
2.) Black Smeezy
Thank You!
• Creature Caravans (Full Size). 28″ x 12″ Metallic Gray
• Black Rubber Omiwimos (Blue Variety). 10″ x 10″ Black Edition of 34.
And thanks for the opportunity!
1.) Black Smeezy
2.) Gold Fleck Smeezy
1)Mini black rubber Bliss pack
2) Chlorophyll Tree & We
Mini Sky Blue Spring Swings.
Merlot No in Noplace.
Thank you for setting this up!!
1)Mini Black Rubber Bliss Bug Pack
2)Mini Sky Blue Spring Swing
Awesome sauce
Creature caravan
Sky blue mini spring swing
Thank you
1) Creature Caravan
2)Silver Smeezzzz
1.. Full size creature caravan- yay
2.. Black rubber omiwimo blue
Creature caravan
mini spring swings
1. Black Smeezy
2. Gold Fleck Smeezy
He’s been teasing me so long!
1 Spring Swing mini (Blue)
2 Now in Noplace (Swamp)
Thank you!!
1) Creature Caravan full size
2) Mini Spring Swings
1. Caravan
2. Squash caravan
1) Chlorophyl Tree & We
2) black rubber omiwimo (blue edition)
-1 caravan
-2 squash caravan
What a lottery! Thanks for the chance!
1. Squash Creature Caravan
2. Black Smeezy
Silver smeezy
Omiwinos cosmic green
Thanks for the chance marq
1) Black Rubber Omiwimo (blue variety)
2) Mini Black Rubber Bliss Bug Pack
Black Rubber Omiwimos (Pink Variety)
Black Rubber Omiwimos (Blue Variety)
gold fleck now in noplace
grey (reg) Creature Caravan full size
1) mini black rubber bliss bug pack
2) green cosmos omiwimos
Thank you so much 🙂
1)Creature Caravan (full sized edition)
2)Creature Caravan Squash variant
1. Creature Caravan Gray Edition
2. Silver Smeezy
Thanks For The Opportunity
1.) Silver Smeezys. 10″ x 12″ Silver Variant Edition of 28
2.) Creature Caravans (Full Size). 28″ x 12″ Metallic Gray Edition of 150
1. Silver Smeezy
2. Black Smeezy
1. Creature caravan, metallic gray
2. Mini sky blue spring swing
Loooong may you print!!!
1. Silver Smeezy
2. Purple Omiwimo
1.) black smeezy
2.) good fleck smeezy
Thank you so much!!
1. Tree and We
2. Black Smeezy
Thanks Marq and Gnomes 🙂
Squash Smeezy, creature caravan full sized
1• Silver Smeezys. 10″ x 12″ Silver Variant Edition of 28
2• Black Rubber Omiwimos (Blue Variety). 10″ x 10″ Black Edition of 34.
Thanks so much for doing this Marq!
1. Creature Caravan Metallic Gray
2. Mini Sky Blue Spring Swing
Gold Smeezy Gold Omiwimo
1. Creature Caravan Full size
2. Mini Sky Blue Springs Swing
Thanks for the chance!
1–tree & we chlorophyll
2–cosmos green
Yay! Much obliged!
Spring Swing
1. silver smeezy
2. gold fleck smeezy
Thank You so much for the lotto!!
1. Merlot Now in Noplace
2. Mini Sky Blue Spring Swings
1.Purple Rubber Omiwimo (either)
2. Mini Sky Blue swings
Many thanks!
1. Chlorophyll Tree & We
2. Green Cosmos Foil Omiwimo
• Mini Sky Blue Spring Swings . 7.5″ x 5″ swings from from 2012, packaged with two 5″ x 5″s and other micro goodies. Price: $125
• Gold Fleck Smeezys. 10″ x 12″ Gold Fleck Edition of 16.these in the lottery have all been embellished. Price: $350
Mini Sky Blue Spring Swings
Black Rubber Omiwimos (Pink Variety)
1) Mini Black Rubber Bliss Bug Pack
2) Mini Sky Blue Spring Swing
1. Silver Smeezys
2. Gold Fleck Smeezys
1. Black smeezy
2. Full size caravan
• Creature Caravans (Full Size). 28″ x 12″ Metallic Gray Edition of 150.
• Silver Smeezys. 10″ x 12″ Silver Variant Edition of 28.
Silver Smeezy
Gold Foil Omiwimo
Thanks marq!
1. Gold fkeck Smeezy
2. Blue mini Swing psckji
1. Green Cosmos Omiwimo (pink)
2. Squash Caravan
This is awesome just dreaming about these prints, thanks for the chance.
• Gold Fleck Smeezys. 10″ x 12″ Gold Fleck Edition of 16.these in the lottery have all been embellished. Price: $350
**with red eyes
• Purple Rubber Omiwimos (Either Variety). 10″ x 10″ Purple Edition of 11. Price: $170
**Green face please
Thanks so much!! Cheers!
1)Tree and we
2) black smeezy
1. Merlot sneeze
2. Green cosmos omi
Thanks for the chance!
Squash Creature Caravan
Gold Fleck Smeezy
1. Black Smeezy
2. Cosmic green Omi
1) Chlorophyll Tree & We
2) Silver Smeezy
Thanks 🙂
Creature Caravans – Metallic Gray Edition
Silver Smeezys – Silver Variant
Mini Black Rubber Bliss Bug Packs
Mini Sky Blue Spring Swings
Thanks for the chance Marq and Gnomes!
1. Black Smeezy
2. Chlorophyll Tree & We
Thanks for the chance to own one of these beauties.
Wow thanks marq!
Gold foil omiwimo
Black rubber bb pack
1) Silver SmeezysSilver Variant Edition of 28.
2) Creature Caravans Metallic Gray Edition of 150.
Gold Fleck Smeezys
Mini Black Rubber Bliss Bug Packs
Thanks for the chance!
1. Black bliss bug pack
2. Squash caravan
• Black Rubber Omiwimos (Blue Variety).
• Black Rubber Omiwimos (Pink Variety).
1. Black rubber omiwimos
2. Purple rubber omiwimos
Thank You Kindly Marq and the Gnomes
1. Black Rubber mini Bliss Bug pack
2. Black Smeezy
Brian Burkus
Black Bliss Bug mini pack and clorophyl tree and we! Thanks for the opportunity!
1. Silver Smeezy
2. Purple Rubber Omiwimos
Please and thanks!
1) black “the smeeeeeez” please.
2). black bliss bug pack will also do 🙂
Green Cosmos Omiwimo
Black Rubber Omiwimo (Blue)
1. Swamp Now in Noplace
2. Creature Caravans (Full Size)
Silver Smeezys
Gold Fleck Smeezys
Thank you!
1. black Smeezy
2. gold fleck Smeezy
1. Chlorophyll Tree and We
2. Silver Smeezy
Thank You for the opportunity!! Best of luck to all the ADDICTS!! 😀
#1-Black Smeezy
#2-Silver Smeezy..
Black Smeezy
Gold Smeezy
Thank you!
1. Silver Smeezy
2. Mini Black Rubber Bliss Bug pack
Mini Sky Blue Spring Swings
Black Rubber Omiwimos (Blue Variety).
thank you
Wow, so hard to choose…love all of them!
1) Black Rubber Omiwimos Blue Variety
2) Mini Black Rubber Bliss Packs
Thank you,
Mini Black Rubber Bliss Bug Packs
Mini Sky Blue Spring Swings
1. Black Bliss Bug Pack
2. Silver Smeezy
1. Mini spring swing pack
2. Mini black blasts bug pack
1. Black Rubber Omiwimos (Pink Variety)
2. Mini Spring Swing Pack
Happy spring and hump day!
1. Mini sky blue springs swings
2. Mini black rubber bliss bug pack
1. Black Smeezy
2. Chlorophyll Tree & We
1. Black Omiwimo
2. Full size Caravan reg
1.Mini Black Rubber Bliss Bug
2.Mini Sky Blue Spring Swings
Thanks for another lotto, finger crossed to actually score something! 🙂
1. Silver Smeezy
2. Merlot Smeezy
1. Black Omiwimo
2. Tree and We
1. Black rubber omniwinos (pink variety)
2. . Creature caravans metallic grey
#1 – Green Foil Cosmos Omiwimo
#2 – Purple Rubber Omiwimo
Silver Smeezy & bliss bug set please!
Mini Black Rubber Bliss Bug Pack.
Thank you,
Sky blue spring swings! & Black smeezy!
1. Silver Smeezy
2. Gold Fleck Now In No Place
Your stuff is strange and wonderful. Thank you!
1. Merlot Now in Noplace
2. Mini Sky Blue Spring Swings
Black Rubber Bliss Bug Pack and
Squash Caravan
• Black Rubber Omiwimos (Blue Variety).
• Black Rubber Omiwimos (Pink Variety).
Black rubber Omiwimo! (either)
thank you Marq!
1) black rubber bliss bug mini pack
2) swing mini pack
thank you so much Marq and the gnomes!
Black Rubber Omiwimos (Pink Variety)
Silver Smeezy
Silver smeezy
Sky blue spring swing
Gimme some lovin’, gnomes!!
1. Squash Creature Caravan
2. Gold Fleck Smeezy
1) purple rubber omiwimo
2)mini sky blue spring swings
This lottery really makes me sad! I suppose I can’t blame you for taking advantage of the idiots that continually pay these prices on ebay. However, you are doing a disservice to the people that don’t have deep pockets who have supported you for many years. The average cost for something in this lottery is $312.11! Yes, I did the math. The cheapest thing would be $140 shipped for paper that is 5-7 inches long… I’m starting to feel like a fool that is now being taken advantage of because of the hype surrounding you and your work. Rare or not, these prices are pretty insane. Did you get these prices from charitable ebay sales? Is the money from this lottery going to charity? I suppose it doesn’t really matter. It’s all subjective. Have a nice Wednesday. Hopefully next week you will release something without 3 digits in the price column.
Black Smeezy
Merlot Smeezy
Please and thank you!
1. Mini Black Rubber Bliss Bug Packs
2. Mini Sky Blue Spring Swings
Thanks for a shot!
1. Swing
2. Bliss Bug black rubber
Thank you!
I would love a full size caravan please and my second choice would be a smeezy.
Thank you
1.) Silver Smeezy
2.) Mini Black Rubber Bliss Bug Packs
Thanks for the opportunity Marq!!
1. Silver Smeezy
2. Black Omiwimo
1. gold smeezy
2. grey caravan
1. Mini Sky Blue Spring Swings
2. Mini Black Rubber Bliss Bug Packs
Hello Marq. Thnx for the chance. I just wanna win I guess n b able to get something from you. Don’t care what variants just win 🙂 haha but my favorites r
*Creature Caravan for sure ATF
If I were to b picked whatever u have left or available is fine. They all are awesome variants. Thnx 🙂
1. Black Smeezy
2. Gold foil Omiwimos $230
Thank you so much for the opportunity my friend!
1) Creature Caravan metallic gray
2) Creature Caravan full size metallic gray
thats the only one i want, lol, thanks!!
Hi Gnomes,
My two choices for the MARCH MAYHEM lottery are.
1. Tree and We
2. Tree and We
Please and Thank You.
Green cosmos omiwimo
Silver smeezy
1) Black rubber omiwimo
2) Black rubber bliss bug mini pack
Thank you!
1.merlot smeezy
2. green foil omiwimo
1. Chlorophyll Tree & We
2. Creature Caravan (Full Size)
Thank You!